Komiteen råder SEC til at "aggressivt hævde autoritet" over krypto - siger, at stort set alle kryptotokens er værdipapirer

USA. Securities and Exchange Commission’s Investor Advisory Committee has advised the SEC toaggressivelyassert authority over crypto assets that are securities. The advisory committee believes thatvirtually all, if not all, crypto tokens are securities,” urging the regulator to

Den amerikanske lovgiver opfordrer SEC-formand Gensler til at vidne om hans kryptoreguleringsfejl

OS. Congressman Tom Emmer has called on the chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEK), Gary Gensler, to testify before Congress andanswer questions about the cost of his regulatory failures.The lawmaker stressed: “Gensler has repeatedly dodged Congress at

CFTC-formand om amerikansk kryptoregulering: Vi er nødt til at stole på 70 år gammel retspraksis for at afgøre, hvad en værdipapir eller vare er

The chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) says his agency and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEK) “have to rely on 70-year-old case law to determine whats a security or a commodity.He stressed that the SEC and CFTC