Elon Musk, Jack Dorsey adresserer forslag til at tillade mindre anonymitet på Twitter

Former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and Elon Musk, Tesla’s CEO and the new owner of Twitter, have addressed suggestions that the social media platform should have less anonymity. Clinical psychologist Dr. Jordan B. Peterson is among the users who want less

Det mystiske FTX-debacle, Tim Drapers BTC-prisforudsigelse, Mere støtte til Ripple i SEC-retssag — Uge i gennemgang

As theories proliferate wildly about the true nature of what happened to failed crypto exchange FTX, little is yet clear to the crypto community. Former CEO of FTX Sam Bankman-Fried has addressed the issue publicly on social media, mentioning a mysterious

Biden anklager Twitter for at udspy løgne over hele verden, da Elon Musk udruller et blåt Twitter-abonnement

Elon Musk has started rolling out a $7.99-a-month Twitter Blue subscription service. OS. President Joe Biden, imidlertid, is concerned that the billionaire has bought a social media platformthat spews lies all across the world.Stating that there areno editors

Ripple og Peersyst Devs skubber XRP mod Ethereum-kompatibilitet med første fase af en EVM-sidekæde

According to an announcement from Ripples core development team Ripplex, developers have introduced the first step toward Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatibility with the XRP-based sidechain XRPL. The XRPL is now live on Devnet and developers canassess available technologies,” alongside

Crypto Boutique-advokatfirmaet Roche Freedman fjernet fra gruppesøgsmål mod Tether

After a Manhattan federal judge blasted Roche Freedman LLP founding partner Kyle Roche’s public statements, the judge has removed the crypto boutique law firm from the market manipulation lawsuit against Tether and Bitfinex. The recent hearing has shown that U.S. district

Michael Saylor udgiver et åbent brev, hvor han diskuterer 'den store mængde misinformation' knyttet til Bitcoin

The Microstrategy executive Michael Saylor is a big believer in Bitcoin as his company has purchased close to 130,000 bitcoin during the last few years. Six days ago, USA. Office of Science and Technology Policy published a report that claims

Advokat for den påståede kryptohvidvasker Vinnik opfordrer Rusland til at tale om fangebytte med USA

A lawyer representing Russian IT specialist Alexander Vinnik has urged the government in Moscow to discuss a potential exchange of prisoners with the United States, where he was recently extradited. The French legal expert is convinced only a return to his

En anden Stablecoin svinger vildt, når HUSD glider under USD Peg til $0.82 pr. token

Stablecoin HUSD, oprindeligt forbundet med kryptobørsen Huobi Global, mistede bindingen til U.S.A. dollar onsdag, august 17, og den faldt endnu lavere i værdi den følgende dag torsdag, august 18. På torsdag, Huobi addressed the

Celsius godkendt til at sælge udvundet Bitcoin, Kunde der mistede 50,000 USDC insisterer på, at hendes regulerede Stablecoins skal behandles anderledes

i august 16, kryptolångiveren Celsius Network er blevet godkendt af en konkursretsdommer til at sælge bitcoin, som virksomheden tidligere har udvundet for at fortsætte med at finansiere specifikke operationer. vækstmarkedsføring hos Kraken, virksomheden’s attorney detailed that Celsius has been offered cash

Kenyanske centralbank beordrer finansielle institutioner til at stoppe med at handle med to nigerianske fintechs

I et brev til de administrerende direktører for finansielle institutioner, centralbanken i Kenya (CBK) har sagt, at finansielle institutioner, der opererer i landet, skal ophøre med og afstå fra at handle med to nigerianske fintechs, Flutterwave og Chipper Cash. The letter reiterates