Rapport: Den nigerianske centralbanks incitamentsordning kunne ikke standse Naira-afskrivningen

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN)’s attempt to incentivize the countrys forex market through the so-calledNaira for Dollarscheme has failed. This is evidenced by the local currencys plunge of more than 25% since the launch of the incentive scheme

Argentina løber til Stablecoins midt i politisk og økonomisk usikkerhed

Citizens of Argentina are hedging their savings by using stablecoins amidst the recent climate of uncertainty created by the resignation of certain key members of the government. The minister of economy in the country resigned last weekend, alongside other personalities, creating

Venezuela satser på de-dollarisering, efter at udenlandsk valuta og kryptoskat er påført

The government of Venezuela is now focusing its action on trying to establish the bolivar as the go-to currency for purchases in the country. According to several economists, this might be a risky bet in a country that has just exited

Socialite og model Alexis Ren stoler ikke på dollarøkonomien, Siger, at Crypto er et levedygtigt alternativ

The American social media personality and model, Alexis Ren believes the fiat economy iscollapsingand recently she told the press she thinks cryptocurrencies offer a viable alternative. I et nyligt interview, Ren explained her interest in crypto is fueled by

Mobius Capital-stifter siger, at Crypto ikke er en investering, men 'et middel til at spekulere og have det sjovt'

Mobius Capital Partners founder Mark Mobius says that cryptocurrency is not an investment, calling ita means to speculate and have fun.He prefers stocks and believes “USA. market is going to continue to prosper and continue to do well.”…

Rejsende vil være i stand til at købe flybilletter med Crypto i Venezuela

Travelers will be able to purchase airline tickets in Venezuela using cryptocurrencies in the near future. According to statements made by Freddy Borges, Director of the Maiquetía International Airport, the institution would be working to include cryptocurrencies such as dash, bitcoin,…