Udskift censorer 253 Krypto-adresser er sortlistet for kriminalitet, Sanktionsforeninger

Ifølge en nylig offentliggjort rapport, den decentrale udveksling (dex) Uniswap har blokeret nogenlunde 253 cryptocurrency-adresser, der angiveligt er knyttet til forbrydelser eller offentlige sanktioner. The information was discovered by the software developer Banteg who analyzed and saved the shared logs from

OFAC's Tornado Cash-forbud forårsager Github-suspendering og sortlistning af krypto-adresser med $437 mio.

i august 8, ethereum-blandingstjenesten Tornado Cash, og alle kryptoadresser forbundet med platformen, blev officielt forbudt af U.S.A. Finansministeriet’s Kontor for Foreign Asset Control (OFAC). Efter forbuddet, internethostingtjenesten for software…

Sydafrikansk professor anklager embedsmand i centralbanken for at sprede forkert information, der skader kryptoindustrien

En sydafrikansk professor, Steven Boykey Sidley, har mærket som “skaldet” krav fra den sydafrikanske centralbanks vicedirektør det “90% af cryptocurrency-transaktioner” er ulovlige. The professor also accused the senior central bank official of spreading inaccurate information that

Kædelyserapport siger $2.2 Millioner i krypto er blevet sendt til pro-russiske grupper i Ukraine

Ifølge en rapport, der stammer fra blockchain-efterretningsfirmaet Chainalysis, det identificerede firma 54 pro-russiske grupper, der har “samlet modtaget over $2.2 cryptocurrency for en værdi af millioner.” De paramilitære grupper i Ukraine modtog primært bitcoin- og etherdonationer, men fik også…

Hvorfor migranter henvender sig til krypto: Nøglen til at nå FN's mål om at reducere pengeoverførsler til mindre end 3% af den digitale valutaøkonomi med 2030

The cost incurred by African migrants or expatriates when sending funds via the so-called formal corridors remains way above the UN target of less than three percent, the latest data from the World Bank has shown. On the other hand, det…

Bitcoin Argentina NGO tager kryptouddannelse til skoler

Bitcoin Argentina, an NGO dedicated to the promotion and expansion of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency in the country, is going to take Bitcoin education to high schools. Projektet, hedder “Schools and Bitcoin,” will help educate high school students about the relevance

Kædelyset når $8.6 Milliard værdiansættelse ind $170 Million Series F-finansieringsrunde

Kædelyse, a cryptocurrency security and blockchain auditing firm, has announced it has completed a new funding round for its operations. The company raised $170 million in its Series F funding round, which was led by GICthe Government of Singapore

Kryptoindustriens lobbyer mod regninger rettet mod russiske oligarker, der unddrager sig sanktioner ved hjælp af kryptovaluta

The crypto industry is lobbying U.S. lawmakers against two bills aimed at preventing Russian oligarchs from using cryptocurrency to avoid sanctions. USA. and many other countries placed sanctions on them after Russia began its invasion of Ukraine. Bills Preventing Wealthy

Hviderusland vedtager juridisk procedure for beslaglæggelse af ulovlig kryptovaluta

Implementing a recently signed presidential decree, the government of Belarus has introduced a procedure allowing the state to seize digital currency holdings. The move will grant law enforcement authorities in Minsk powers to seize crypto assets linked to illegal activities. Justice

FBI udsender alarm vedrørende ondsindede statssponsorerede nordkoreanske hackere, der retter sig mod kryptofirmaer

Den april 18, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), USA. Finansministeriet, og Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) udgivet en Cybersecurity Advisory (CSA) rapport om ondsindet nordkoreansk statssponsoreret cryptocurrency-aktivitet. Ifølge U.S. regering, retshåndhævelse…