Start-up hæver $2 Millioner til banebrydende brug af kryptovaluta i frankofon Afrika

A Cameroonian fintech start-up, Ejara, har rejst $2 million to pioneer the usage of crypto and investment services in French-speaking African countries. Coinshares Ventures and Anthemis Group led the funding round in which they were joined by Mercy Corps Ventures, Lateral

SEC -formand Gary Gensler: Ingen plan om at forbyde krypto, Det er op til kongressen

SEC -formand Gary Gensler siger, at SEC ikke har nogen planer om at forbyde kryptokurver, som Kina har gjort. Han bemærkede, at det ville være op til kongressen at træffe en sådan beslutning. For nylig, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell similarly said that

Kevin O'Leary: 'Min kryptoeksponering er større end guld for første gang nogensinde'

Shark Tank -stjernen Kevin O’Leary, aka Mr.. Vidunderlig, har afsløret, at han har mere krypto -eksponering end guld for første gang. Han håber at øge sin kryptotildeling til 7% i de næste par måneder, at understrege: “Jeg gør ikke’t see a

Donald Trump om Crypto: 'Jeg vil ikke have, at andre valutaer kommer ud og skader dollaren'

Tidligere U.S.. Præsident Donald Trump har kommenteret kryptokurvens voksende popularitet og den kinesiske regerings kryptokonflikt. Han gentog sin anti-krypto holdning: “Jeg gør ikke’t want to have other currencies coming out and hurting or demeaning the dollar

Amerikanske lovgivere opfordrer Fed-formand Jerome Powell til at støtte kryptoinnovation

Several U.S. lawmakers have called on Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell to support cryptocurrency innovation. “The Federal Reserve must work to support domestic innovationOur government should never be in the business of thwarting innovation.Members of Congress Urge Fed

Axie Infinity-medstifter siger, at Blockchain-spil planlægger at lancere en decentraliseret udveksling

Sky Mavis, the team that created the Ethereum-powered non-fungible token (NFT) game Axie Infinity, revealed the project plans to launch a decentralized exchange (dex), according to the companys co-founder Jeff Zirlin during a podcast with Frank Chaparro. i øvrigt, Axie Infinity recently

Federal Reserve-formand Powell siger, at han ikke har til hensigt at forbyde eller begrænse brugen af ​​kryptovalutaer

Federal Reserve-formand Jerome Powell bekræftede under en høring for House Financial Services Committee, at han ikke har til hensigt at forbyde eller begrænse brugen af ​​kryptovalutaer. Han kommenterede også reguleringen af ​​stablecoins. siger Powell ‘Ingen intention om…

Undersøgelsesresultater viser 83.7% af Luno-brugere er bullish på Bitcoins genopblussen

Om 83.7% of those surveyed by Luno in a recent study believe the price of bitcoin will rise significantly in the next few months. Faktisk, 59.4% of the more bullish respondents are expecting the leading crypto to rise to as

ARwards: Den officielle OVR-konkurrence for indholdsskabere

Following the announcement of a few days ago, the decentralized multiverse platform OVR, which unites the physical and virtual worlds through Augmented Reality, has launched “ARwards” contest open to all creators who are looking for an opportunity to gain wide

Undersøgelse viser 64% af briter mener, at krypto ikke er en sikker investering,' Respondenter tror, ​​at Ethereum er et stof, Cardano er ost

Mens der’s a lot of hype surrounding digital currencies like bitcoin, a great number of people are still confused by the crypto economy and the myriad crypto assets that exist. One study shows that some people think Ethereum is a drug,…