Undersøgelsesresultater viser 83.7% af Luno-brugere er bullish på Bitcoins genopblussen

Om 83.7% of those surveyed by Luno in a recent study believe the price of bitcoin will rise significantly in the next few months. Faktisk, 59.4% of the more bullish respondents are expecting the leading crypto to rise to as

Overførsler til Afrika er klar til at kigge forbi 5.4 % til $41 Milliard — Covid-19-pandemi og høje forsendelsesomkostninger får skylden

According to findings from the Continental Migration Report 2021, remittances to African countries are projected to decrease from the $44 billion recorded in 2020 til $41 milliard. The Covid Effect As expected, the Covid-19 pandemic is identified as one of the

Kryptovaluta tager fart i små byer i Indien: Rapport

Cryptocurrency usage and trading are experiencing a boom in India, and most of this growth is coming from small cities. According to reports from local exchanges, the growth has been exponential. The profile of these new participants has also been interesting,…

Afrika har nogle af de 'højeste græsrodsadoptioner i verden' - Chainalysis Crypto Preview

Mens Afrika ses som et af de mindste kryptovalutamarkeder, ifølge en forhåndsvisning af Chainalysis’ Geografi af Cryptocurrency årsrapport, denne region har “nogle af de højeste græsrodsadoptioner i verden.” Afrikanske mængder, der hovedsageligt består af detailoverførsler…