Den indiske regering besvarer spørgsmål om krypto-legalisering, Forebyggelse af svindel

The Indian government has responded to parliamentary questions about the legalization of cryptocurrency and the steps it has taken to prevent crypto-related fraud. “Crypto assets are currently unregulated in India. Frauds relating to crypto are dealt with under extant laws against

Iris Energy øger selvudvindingskapaciteten med 4.4 EH/s af nye Bitmain Bitcoin Mining Rigs

Bitcoin minearbejder, Iris energi, annonceret planer om at øge virksomheden’s selvminekapacitet, fra 2 eksahash i sekundet (EH/s) til ca 5.5 EH/s, efter den har modtaget 4.4 EH/s af nye Antminer S19j Pro minearbejdere fra Bitmain. Iris energi udnytter $67 Millioner ind…

Det Hvide Hus udgiver 'Roadmap' for at mindske kryptovaluta-risici

The White House has published aroadmap to mitigate cryptocurrenciesrisks.The roadmap calls for authorities toramp up enforcement where appropriateand Congressto step up its effortsto regulate the crypto sector. It also notes that legislation should not

Glem ikke vigtigheden af ​​censurmodstand

Since people are once again talking about self-custody as one of cryptos unique strengths, I would like to remind everyone about an equally important fundamental value proposition of crypto that, in the early days, was touted as the killer feature. jeg’m

SEC-formand Gensler advarer om, at en masse krypto-tokens vil fejle efter LUNA, UST Kollaps

Formanden for U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEK), Gary Gensler, har advaret om, at en masse krypto-tokens vil fejle, og mange krypto-investorer vil komme til skade efter sammenbruddet af Terra (LUNA) og stablecoin terrausd (vækstmarkedsføring hos Kraken). SEC Chair

Elektricitetsforbruget stiger i Irkutsk, efterhånden som flere russere begynder at udvinde kryptovaluta

Electricity suppliers in the Russian region of Irkutsk have registered a surge in power consumption in residential areas which they are blaming on cryptocurrency mining. Planes with mining equipment from restricted China continue to land in the region, and cases of

IMF advarer om, at kryptoboom udgør nye udfordringer for finansiel stabilitet, Opfordrer tilsynsmyndighederne til at træde op

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) warns that the rising popularity of cryptocurrencies poses new challenges to financial stability. “Cryptoization can reduce the ability of central banks to effectively implement monetary policy. It could also create financial stability risks.IMF Sees New