Cashtokens kommer i centrum efter Bitcoin Cash-opgradering: Over 26,000 Tokens oprettet

Following the recent Bitcoin Cash upgrade on Monday, data reveals that approximately 1,308 fungible tokens and 25,336 og Messari (NFT'er) have emerged on the blockchain. i øvrigt, the Cashtokens token ecosystem is now accessible through the blockchain explorers and, allowing

SHIB-fællesskabsmedlemmer og tip til nedtællingsur Shibarium-lanceringen er nært forestående

According to a myriad of social media posts, the meme crypto project Shiba Inu is planning to launch the highly anticipated Shibarium, a layer two (L2) project that was supposed to launch this year in the third quarter. Shiba Inu supporters

Ethereum implementerer Bellatrix — Networks kommende Paris-opgradering for at udløse fusionen, Validatorblokproduktion

The blockchain network Ethereum has officially activated the Bellatrix upgrade, the final change before The Merge, the highly anticipated transition from proof-of-work (PoW) til bevis for indsats (Kosmos). Bellatrix was successfully codified into the codebase at epoch 144,896 on the Beacon chain and

Top 10 PoW-dominans fordamper 9 År senere, Kun to Proof-of-Work-mønter vil være tilbage efter sammenlægningen

Kryptofællesskabet venter tålmodigt på den længe ventede Ethereum-netværksopgradering fra proof-of-work (PoW) til bevis for indsats (Kosmos) som The Merge forventes at ske 27 dage fra nu. Efter Ethereum-overgange fra PoW til PoS, only two crypto assets

Kreditkort bør ikke bruges til kryptotransaktioner, Det siger Taiwans finansielle vagthund

Den finansielle regulator i Taiwan har bedt lokale banker om ikke at tillade brug af kort til betalinger i transaktioner, der involverer kryptovaluta, det afslørede lokale medier. Myndigheden siger, at disse aktiver er risikable, mens tilknyttede pengestrømme er svære at overvåge. Taiwanese

Bitmain lanceres 2,400 Megahash E9 Ethereum Miner Ahead of The Merge

i juli 6, producenten af ​​kryptomineriggen Bitmain annoncerede lanceringen af ​​den længe ventede Antminer E9 efter at have afsløret enheden i april 15, 2021. Maskinen kan prale af hastigheder på op til 2.4 gigahash i sekundet (GH/s) and Bitmain is

HUMAN Protocol Foundation tildeler bevilling til VeritaTrust for at opbygge on-Chain belønninger for anmeldelser

PRESSEMEDDELELSE. Georgetown, Cayman Islands, Kan 10, 2022 – I dag, HUMAN Protocol has announced that it has awarded a grant to VeritaTrust to power on-chain reviews. Following the announcement of HUMAN Protocol’s centralbank har aktivt testet sin digitale valuta $10 Million funds dedicated to grants, this work with

Værdifulde metaller, Kryptovalutaer, Aktiemarkederne vakler efter Powells renteforhøjelseserklæringer

Equities, kryptomarkeder, and precious metals did well during the early morning trading sessions on Wednesday, just before the U.S. central bank wrapped up its Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting. While the Fed said in a statement that the benchmark

Højt forventede Bitcoin-opgradering Taproot aktiveres — Taproot Script-forbrug set i naturen

Bitcoin advocates are celebrating the successful implementation of the Taproot upgrade after block height 709,632. The upgrade was highly anticipated as it was one of the biggest changes since the introduction of Segregated Witness (Segwit) i 2017. After the upgrade was