Rapport viser økonomiske problemer plagede Bankman-Frieds Alameda-forskning så tidligt som 2018

Before FTX collapsed it was assumed that Alameda Research was one of the top quantitative trading firms and market makers within the industry. Imidlertid, much of that perception may have been a facade as a recent report details that Alameda suffered

Russisk milliardær og kryptoforretningsmand dør i helikopterstyrt i Frankrig

Russian financier and cryptocurrency entrepreneur Vyacheslav Taran has been killed in a helicopter crash on French territory. The accident marks the latest in a series of deaths of crypto executives and adds another name to a list of Russian billionaires who

IMF ser en betydelig stigning i korrelationerne mellem Bitcoin og asiatiske aktiemarkeder

Embedsmænd i Den Internationale Valutafond (IMF) sige, at korrelationen mellem resultaterne på de asiatiske aktiemarkeder og kryptoaktiver såsom bitcoin og ethereum er steget betydeligt. IMF Staff on Crypto and Correlation to Asian Equities The International

Topvideospilkunstnere vedtager NFT'er for at hjælpe Ukraine, Samling til udgivelse på officielt MetaHistory Museum

Since the outbroke of the Russian-Ukrainian war, many celebrities, social activities, and visual artists joined the league of supporting Ukraine by cryptocurrency and NFT artworks. And the trend just doesnt stop. Nu, a group of top-notch artists bring the support and

Den ukrainske fodboldklub Shakhtar vil rejse humanitære midler gennem NFT-salg

Shakhtar Donetsk, a leading soccer team in Ukraine, will sell a collection of non-fungible tokens (NFT'er). The club intends to auction several signed jerseys to raise funds for Ukrainian citizens affected by the ongoing war with Russia. FC Shakhtar Donetsk to

Minerapport viser, at Bitcoins elforbrug er faldet med 25% i Q1 2022

I slutningen af ​​maj sidste år, Tesla’s Elon Musk overbeviste bitcoin-industriens ledere om at danne et Bitcoin-mineråd (BMC) og midt i juli, BMC lancerede sine offentlige tjenester og hjemmeside. Den april 25, 2022, organisationen udgav en rapport…

Det første af sin slags Metachain-projekt, ShuttleOne tilslutter sig Tezos Protocol

PRESSEMEDDELELSE. ShuttleOne, the latest project to embrace Tezos, to soon drive adoption and liquidity while resolving blockchain fragmentation. Singapore: Tezos, the highly scalable, self-amending proof of stake blockchain protocol is opening its arms to ShuttleOnea one of its

$7.5 Million NFT-samling anklaget for at bruge kunst uden tilladelse truet af juridisk handling

While non-fungible token (NFT) assets have been extremely popular in 2021, der’s been a slew of issues tied to the ecosystem as well. A recent report indicates that roughly a dozen artists are considering taking legal action against an NFT collection