G7 diskuterer mere kryptoregulering og hvordan man hjælper udviklingslande med at indføre centralbanks digitale valutaer

The G7 countries are discussing more crypto regulation and ways to help developing nations introduce central bank digital currencies (CBDC'er). “As a priority of this year, the G7 will consider how best to help developing countries introduce CBDC consistent with appropriate

Mike Novogratz advarer om kreditkriser i USA og globalt - forventer, at Fed vil sænke renten 'snarere end vi tror'

Galaxy Digital CEO Mike Novogratz has warned of a credit crunch in the U.S. and globally. Emphasizing thatwe are heading into a recession,” he expects the Federal Reserve to cut interest ratessooner than we think.Novogratz on Global Credit

Fed Chair Powell om Crypto: Vi ser uro, Svig, Mangel på gennemsigtighed, Løb risiko

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell has outlined several risks related to crypto activities during a hearing before the Senate Committee on Banking, Boliger, and Urban Affairs. While stating that the Fed sees turmoil, fraud, a lack of transparency, and run risk

Bank of america, marts, Blockchain-baseret socialt netværk Viblos lancerer betaversion i marts, UBS aktieforudsigelser om yderligere Fed-renteforhøjelser

Bank of america, marts, Blockchain-baseret socialt netværk Viblos lancerer betaversion i marts, and UBS have shared their predictions about the Federal Reserve raising interest rates further. Bank of America and Goldman Sachs, for eksempel, now expect the Fed to raise interest rates three more times this year….

Indian Central Bank RBI påbegynder den første digitale Rupee Pilot i dag

India’s central bank, Indiens Reserve Bank (RBI), is launching its first digital rupee pilot on Nov. 1. with the participation of nine banks. “Settlement in central bank money would reduce transaction costs by pre-empting the need for settlement guarantee

IMF forventer, at den amerikanske økonomi vil opleve høj inflation i mindst et år eller to

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) expects the U.S. economy to experience high inflation for at least another year or two. “I would be careful about looking at one data point for the U.S.,IMF First Deputy Managing Director Gita Gopinath cautioned….

Fed-formand Jerome Powell afviser kryptovalutaer som en bekymring for finansiel stabilitet, men advarer om, at de er risikable

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell says that he does not see cryptocurrencies as a financial stability concern. Imidlertid, he noted that they are risky and “der’s big consumer issues for consumers who may or may not understand what theyre getting.” Fed…

USA's finansminister Yellen siger, at hun er i tvivl om, hvorvidt Fed skal udstede digital valuta

USA. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen says that she has not made up her mind about whether the Fed should issue a central bank digital currency (CBDC). “There are some benefitsto a digital dollar, Yellen said, but noted that “der…

Bank of America Executive ser Crypto som aktivklasse: 'Jeg ser det slet ikke som konkurrence'

Bank of america’s chief operating officer does not see cryptocurrency as competition. Instead, he views it as an asset class, bemærker det “people like it for all sorts of different reasons.” Bank of america’s COO on Crypto: ‘I Dont View It

St.. Louis Feds James Bullard ville 'støtte at starte taperen i november' for at reagere på inflation

St.. Louis Federal Reserve -præsident James Bullard sagde tirsdag til pressen, at han mener, at U.S.. centralbanken skal afvikle købet af $80 milliarder værd at købe månedlige obligationer. Bullard siger, at han ville støtte nedtrapning starter som…