ESG-analytiker Daniel Batten afslører dynamiske diagrammer, der viser Bitcoins 52.6% Bæredygtig energianvendelse

Environmental, social, og styring (ESG) analyst Daniel Batten said Tuesday that the computational backbone of the Bitcoin network now uses 52.6% sustainable energy. Batten and onchain analyst Willy Woo created Dynamic Bitcoin ESG Charts to showcase the protocol’s progress. Contrary to

BIS udgiver rapport om 'Project Icebreaker' - udvikler grænseoverskridende detail CBDC betalingsmodel

The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) has released a report summarizing theProject Icebreakertrial, which explored the potential advantages and difficulties of utilizing a retail central bank digital currency (CBDC) in cross-border payments. The experiment was designed to test “det…

Binance nu autoriseret i 7 EU-lande — Sverige bliver den seneste medlemsstat til at give godkendelse

Crypto exchange Binance is now legal to operate in seven European countries following the latest approval by Sweden’s financial regulator. Overall, Binance has been approved to operate in 15 jurisdictions, including seven EU countries. Binance Approved to Operate in 7 jeg…

Rapport viser økonomiske problemer plagede Bankman-Frieds Alameda-forskning så tidligt som 2018

Before FTX collapsed it was assumed that Alameda Research was one of the top quantitative trading firms and market makers within the industry. Imidlertid, much of that perception may have been a facade as a recent report details that Alameda suffered

UNHCR lancerer Blockchain-betalingsløsning for at støtte ukrainere, der er fordrevet af krig

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) recently said it has launched a blockchain payment solution for digital cash distribution to internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Ukraine. According to the agency, the use of the blockchain-based cash distribution system ensures

Sydafrikansk regering vil tilføje kryptoenheder til 'Liste over ansvarlige institutioner'

According to the South African government, crypto entities — or businesses whose activities include the exchange or transfer of crypto assets — are set to be included in the list of so-called accountable institutions starting Dec. 19. Businesses that convert one

Indian Central Bank RBI påbegynder den første digitale Rupee Pilot i dag

India’s central bank, Indiens Reserve Bank (RBI), is launching its first digital rupee pilot on Nov. 1. with the participation of nine banks. “Settlement in central bank money would reduce transaction costs by pre-empting the need for settlement guarantee

Hong Kong præsenterer digital valutaprototype, Projekt guld

Financial authorities in Hong Kong have unveiled a prototype of the Chinese autonomous territory’s own central bank digital currency called Project Aurum. The two-tier platform features a wholesale interbank and a retail e-wallet system, participants revealed. Hong Kong to Issue Retail

Circle CEO, Paxos, og Trueusd Tal om Binances Stablecoin Auto-Conversion Decision

Den september 5, Binance explained that it planned to drop a number of usdc trading pairs and auto-convert specific stablecoin balances into busd by September 29. While the move was controversial among crypto proponents on social media, Circle Financial CEO Jeremy