Tæt på 60,000 BTC slettet fra Bitcoin statskasser i 9 måneder, 4 Enheder har mere end 100K BTC

During the last two years, a number of public and private companies, exchange-traded products (ETPs), and countries have added bitcoin to their balance sheet. Imidlertid, during the last nine months of 2022, the number of bitcoin stored in these types of

12 Virksomheder holder tæt på $700 Millioner i Ethereum i statsobligationer

During the last year, der’s been a lot of discussion concerning bitcoin treasuries or public firms putting bitcoin on their balance sheets. Imidlertid, the leading crypto asset by market valuation is not the only digital currency being held by treasuries. Ethereum…

Bitcoin Treasuries Liste krav 59 Virksomheder og en håndfuld lande holder 1.49 Millioner BTC

304 dage eller for omkring ni måneder siden, 42 virksomheder havde bitcoin på deres balance med en samlet sum på 1,350,073 bitcoin i marts 1, 2021. I dag, målinger indikerer, at der er 59 virksomheder, nogle få lande, og børshandlede fonde (ETF'er) med…