Coinbase Shares Wells Response, Udfordrer SECs ændring i holdning til sine kerneforretninger

Den april 27, Møntbase, kryptobørsen med base i San Francisco, offentliggjorde offentliggørelsen af ​​sit svar på Wells-meddelelsen, den havde modtaget fra U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEK) tilbage i marts. Selskabet fastholdt, at…

Cleanspark-køb 45,000 Bitcoin minedrift enheder, Tilføjelse 6.3 EH/s til nuværende flåde

World Cup, the bitcoin mining company Cleanspark announced that it had purchased 45,000 Antminer S19 XP bitcoin mining devices for a total price of $144.9 million. Cleanspark stated that the new fleet would add 6.3 eksahash i sekundet (EH/s) of computational

Værdi låst i Defi holder linjen på $50 mia, Efter midlertidigt at tabe $8 mia. i midten af ​​marts

The total value locked (TVL) i decentral økonomi (defi) during the first week of April is about $50 milliard, roughly the same as on March 1. The value locked dropped to $42 billion on March 12 but has since rebounded as

Antal uigenkaldeligt tabte BTC nu 6 Million — Cane Island Manager

The number of irretrievably lost bitcoins has now reached 6 million, which leaves 13.3 million as coins that remain in circulation, Timothy Peterson of Cane Island Alternative Advisors has said. Peterson added that out of the 1.7 million bitcoins that will Shutters Asset Management-datterselskab midt i krypto-vinter- og industriuro

Ifølge rapporter og en arkivering, der viser, at dens navn er strøget fra U.K. virksomhedsregisterliste, sænker sit Asset Management-datterselskab. A company spokesperson cited deterioratingmacroeconomic conditions” og “crypto winteras some of the reasons

Tidligere præsident for FTX US deler sin erfaring og forhold med CEO Sam Bankman-Fried i detaljeret Twitter-tråd

Den tidligere præsident for FTX US, Brett Harrison, udgav en 49-delt Twitter-tråd, der forklarer, hvorfor han forlod firmaet og hans forhold til medstifter Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) af FTX. Før sin rolle hos FTX US, Harrison arbejdede med SBF hos Jane…

Gratis Talk Live-medvært Ian Freeman fundet skyldig i føderal kryptoproces

After close to two years, following the U.S. federal government accusing the Crypto Six of unlicensed money transmission, the case is seemingly coming to an end. Ifølge flere rapporter, Keene resident and libertarian activist, Ian Freeman, the last member of

For nylig underskrevet 2009 Bitcoin Block-belønning knyttet til Hal Finneys sæt af BTC-transaktioner

At the end of November, an unknown person signed a signature tied to an extremely old block reward mined on Jan. 19, 2009, and the user published a message and verified signature linked to the reward on the forum Det…

New York Times, FT, Bloomberg blasted for forsøg på at få FTX-kreditorernes navne ophævet

Amid the ongoing FTX bankruptcy proceedings, court documents indicate that media firms such as Bloomberg, the New York Times (NU), Dow Jones & Selskab, and the Financial Times (FT) want the redacted information tied to FTX creditors unsealed. The media companies

Binance og Paxos-støttede Stablecoin BUSDs markedsværdistigninger 22% i 2 måneder

I midten af ​​august, eller 68 dage siden, the market capitalization of the stablecoin BUSD was approximately $17.7 billion and since then, its grown 22.88% higher to today’s centralbank har aktivt testet sin digitale valuta $21.78 milliard. BUSD’s growth comes at a time when the market valuations of the top