Økonom Peter Schiff advarer om en ny, Indkommende store depressionskrise, Kritiserer vildledende inflationstal

peter skib, best-selling author and chief economist of Europac, has warned about the coming of a new great depression period in America. In an interview, Schiff stated that official Consumer Price Index (CPI) numbers were designed to mislead the public and

Midt i 'Regulatorisk Apparatur' Mod Crypto, Paul Tudor Jones opretholder Bitcoin-allokering

I et nyligt interview, den anerkendte investor Paul Tudor Jones udtrykte sit perspektiv på bitcoin, anerkender, at der kan være regulatoriske udfordringer forude. Imidlertid, Jones understregede sit urokkelige engagement i den dominerende kryptovaluta, bekræfter, at han fastholder “en lille diversificering” i…

Pacwest aktie styrtdykker over 35% Efter udgivelse af indtjeningsrapport for 1. kvartal midt i uro i banksektoren

Following the acquisition of First Republic Bank by JPMorgan Chase, several regional banks such as Pacwest and Western Alliance experienced a significant drop in their stock prices. On Tuesday afternoon, all four major U.S. benchmark stock indexes are in decline as

Den russiske udenrigsminister Sergey Lavrov udtaler, at de-dollariseringen "kan ikke længere stoppes"

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has spoken on the current shift to national currencies and the de-dollarization international markets are currently experiencing. In a press conference after addressing the UN Security Council on April 25, Lavrov stated this shift could not

Coinbase Shares Wells Response, Udfordrer SECs ændring i holdning til sine kerneforretninger

Den april 27, Møntbase, kryptobørsen med base i San Francisco, offentliggjorde offentliggørelsen af ​​sit svar på Wells-meddelelsen, den havde modtaget fra U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEK) tilbage i marts. Selskabet fastholdt, at…

Ethereum-prisen topper kl $2,758 Dette år, Så fald til $2,342 ved slutningen af ​​2023, Finder-eksperter siger

A recent survey made public by the online comparison platform Finder.com has revealed the predictions of 32 professionals in the fields of fintech and cryptocurrency. The specialists have expressed their conviction that ethereum, the second largest digital asset by market capitalization,…

Politiet i Kosovo beslaglægger kryptominerigge fra serbere

Kosovos politi har beslaglagt snesevis af kryptomineudstyr fra indbyggere i en serbisk majoritetsregion i den nordlige del af landet. Myndighederne i Pristina og Beograd udvekslede beskyldninger om flytningen, which has the potential to raise tensions in the

Brasilien og Kina uddyber handelsintegration for at bevæge sig væk fra amerikanske dollar, som det første Yuan-baserede forlig behandles

Brazil and China have reached a milestone in their economic integration, as the first bilateral settlement in Chinese yuan was completed ahead of the visit of President Luis InacioLulada Silva to China. The settlement, which was processed by the

Frankrigs præsident Emmanuel Macron om Taiwan: 'At være allieret betyder ikke at være en vasal'

French president Emmanuel Macron has decided to double down on his strategic autonomy policy thesis, declaring that Europe should not be forced to side with Beijing or Washington on Taiwan. Macron declared that being a U.S. ally ‘does not mean being

Den franske præsident Emmanuel Macron siger, at Europa skal reducere sin afhængighed af den amerikanske dollar for at undgå at blive 'vasaler'

Emmanuel Macron, president of France, clarified his position on the future of Europe and its relations with China and the U.S. in the short term. Returning from his visit to Beijing, Macron believes that Europe should avoid getting caught up in