Data visar de globala finansiella villkoren som snäst inom 2 år, Skakiga obligationsmarknader pekar på långsiktig inflation

I slutet av handelsdagen på måndag, Wall Street föll igen när stora aktier föll under dagen’s handelssessioner. Most news outlets indicate the Russia-Ukraine war is causing the bleak outlook and reports show strained financial

IMF varnar för att pågående krig i Europa kommer att ha en "allvarlig inverkan på den globala ekonomin"

In a report published on Saturday, Internationella valutafonden (IMF) has warned that an ongoing war in Europe and associated sanctions will have asevere impact on the global economy.The IMFs report says there is “extraordinär osäkerhet” in the

USA:s inflation kan bli värre än väntat, Goldman Sachs säger — Atlanta Fed President Favors 25 BPS-prishöjning

While the conflict in Ukraine is a hot topic, fears of rising inflation continue to haunt Americans residing in the country, as economists and analysts note U.S. inflation will likely remain high. Inflation is likely going to be worse than initially

Ethereum kan detronisera Bitcoin som bästa kryptobutik av värde, Studie argumenterar

A recent paper authored by members of several universities, including Sydney and Macquarie, argues that recent changes in Ethereum monetary policy are making it a better store of value than bitcoin. The deflationary effect that the EIP-1559 proposal has caused in