Det säger IMF till El Salvador: Kostnaderna för att göra Bitcoin lagligt anbud överstiger potentiella fördelar

Internationella valutafonden (IMF) has told El Salvador that the costs of implementing the countrys Bitcoin law, which makes the cryptocurrency legal tender, exceed the potential benefits. The IMF has also urged El Salvador to dissolve theFidebitcointrust fund

Bitcoin Treasuries listar anspråk 59 Företag och en handfull länder håller 1.49 Miljoner BTC

304 days or roughly nine months ago, 42 companies held bitcoin on their balance sheet with an aggregate total of 1,350,073 bitcoin on March 1, 2021. I dag, metrics indicate there are 59 företag, a few countries, and exchange-traded funds (ETF:er) med…

Crypto Flash Crash uppmanar El Salvador att köpa dippen — 150 Bitcoins har lagts till i statskassan

As the crypto market shed billions of dollars, El Salvador bought the dip, taking advantage of the falling price of bitcoin early Saturday morning. With the latest buy, El Salvador has purchased a total of 1,370 bitcoins altogether. According to Salvadoran

Monster-stora Bitcoin Whale Transfers: Blockchain Parser fångar betydande mängder "Cold BTC" som flyttas till aktiva utbyten

Two days ago on November 30, the price of bitcoin (BTC) tapped a high that day reaching $59,250 per enhet, but it has since dropped close to 5% in value to just above the $56K region. Onchain statistics indicate that whales

Salvadoras president Nayib Bukele hånar ekonomen Steve Hanke efter att Bitcoins pris skjutit i höjden

I oktober 15, the day bitcoins price surpassed the $60K per unit handle, Salvadoran president Nayib Bukele taunted the professor of applied economics at Johns Hopkins University, Steve Hanke, over his recent statements. Just då, the well known economist warned

Salvadoranska räkenskapsdomstolen för att undersöka regeringens köp av Bitcoin-bankomat, Chivo Kiosk Construction

According to reports stemming from the Salvadoran Court of Accounts, the regulatory body is planning to investigate the governments bitcoin automated teller machine (bankomat) purchases and Chivo kiosk construction. The investigation follows the recent protest in El Salvador against the adoption