UNHCR lanserar blockchain-betalningslösning för att stödja ukrainare som fördrivits av krig

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) recently said it has launched a blockchain payment solution for digital cash distribution to internally displaced persons (internflyktingar) in Ukraine. According to the agency, the use of the blockchain-based cash distribution system ensures

Konkurs Crypto Exchange FTX utforskar försäljning av dotterbolag, VD avslöjar

Bankrupt cryptocurrency exchange FTX is exploring sales, recapitalizations, and other strategic transactions with respect to its solvent subsidiaries. The firm’s new CEO has instructed the FTX teamto prioritize the preservation of franchise value as best we can in these difficult

Ontario Teachers' Pension Fund skriver ner hela investeringen i konkursmässig kryptobörs FTX med hänvisning till "potentiellt bedrägeri"

Ontario TeachersPension Plan (OTPP), one of the largest pension plans in the world, is writing down its investment in the bankrupt crypto exchange FTX. “Recent reports suggest potential fraud conducted at FTX which is deeply concerning for all parties,” de…

Australien upphäver Financial Services License of Local FTX Entity

Australia’s securities regulator has suspended the license of the Australian unit of the bankrupt crypto exchange FTX until mid-May. According to an issued statement, the platform will be allowed to provide limited financial services until Dec. 19 in order to terminate

Problem med Crypto Exchange FTX-filer för kapitel 11 Konkursskydd, VD avgår

The embattled crypto exchange FTX has informed the public that the FTX parent firm West Realm Shires Services, Alameda Research, and approximately 130 additional affiliated companies have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in Delaware. FTX’s Parent Company, Alameda Research, och…

9,404 Crypto Mining Devices beslagtagna av iranska myndigheter sedan mars

Iranian authorities have seized nearly 10,000 illegal cryptocurrency mining devices since March. Enligt rapporter, many of the seized crypto mining rigs were operating in public locations that receive free or heavily-subsidized electricity, such as schools and mosques. Iran Confiscates Nearly

Whitepay introducerar kryptobetalningar till Ukrainas tekniska butiker

Ukrainare kommer att kunna köpa elektronik och andra produkter med digitala mynt tack vare en tjänst som tillhandahålls av Whitepay. Betalningsbehandlaren, etablerad av den ukrainskfödda digitala tillgångsbörsen Whitebit, har nyligen implementerat kryptobetalningar i landet’s largest tech