Kommittén råder SEC att "aggressivt hävda myndigheten" över krypto - säger att praktiskt taget alla kryptotokens är värdepapper

USA. Securities and Exchange Commission’s Investor Advisory Committee has advised the SEC toaggressivelyassert authority over crypto assets that are securities. The advisory committee believes thatvirtually all, if not all, crypto tokens are securities,” urging the regulator to

Indien för att underlätta internationella uppgörelser i rupier för att minska beroendet av den amerikanska dollarn

The government of India has announced that it will facilitate the settlement of international transactions using its national currency, the rupee. As part of its foreign trading policy framework implemented on April 1, the country introduced this measure to facilitate payments

G20:s finanschefer inser allmänt att krypto innebär stora finansiella stabilitetsrisker, Säger indiska centralbankschefen

The G20 finance ministers and central bank governors recognize that cryptocurrencies pose major risks to financial stability, monetary systems, and cyber security, India’s central bank governor reportedly said. Crypto regulation was among the key topics discussed during the G20 meeting over

IMF kräver "mer" kryptoreglering - säger att förbud borde vara ett alternativ

Internationella valutafonden (IMF) Verkställande direktör Kristalina Georgieva säger kryptobehov “mer reglering.” Tillade hon, “Vi bör inte ta bort bordet för att förbjuda dessa tillgångar,” om regleringen misslyckas eller är för långsam att genomföra. IMF’s chef efterlyser mer kryptoreglering…

Krakens vd uppmanar kongressen att skydda amerikansk kryptoindustri efter uppgörelse med SEC Over Staking Program

The CEO of crypto exchange Kraken, Jesse Powell, has called on Congress to pass a law to protect the U.S. crypto industry after the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) took action against his trading platform over its crypto staking service. Kraken’s

Vita huset publicerar "Roadmap" för att minska riskerna med kryptovaluta

The White House has published aroadmap to mitigate cryptocurrenciesrisks.The roadmap calls for authorities toramp up enforcement where appropriateand Congressto step up its effortsto regulate the crypto sector. It also notes that legislation should not

Italienska parlamentet godkänner 26% Skatt för kryptovalutavinster in 2023 Budgetlag

The Italian Parliament has introduced a 26% capital tax on cryptocurrency gains as part of the 2023 budget law, which was approved on Dec. 29. The document also offers incentives for taxpayers to declare their cryptocurrency holdings, proposing a 3.5% aliquot

USA:s regering försenar regler för skatterapportering för mäklare av kryptovaluta

The enforcement of a requirement for brokers to report gains made by crypto investors has been postponed by the U.S. Treasury Department and the IRS. The new tax rules, incorporated into the $1 trillion infrastructure bill passed by the U.S. kongressen…