Litecoins Hashrate når all-Time High, Svårighet följer efter

The blockchain network Litecoins computational power reached an all-time high (ATH) på onsdag, Jan. 25, 2023, på blockhöjd 2,411,048, nå 798.43 terahash per sekund (TH/s). För övrigt, Litecoin’s difficulty also reached an all-time high this week, hitting 23,505,031 the following

Utmanande år för Bitcoin-gruvarbetare eftersom färre BTC-gruvoriggar är lönsamma till nuvarande priser

Bitcoin miners have had a challenging year as the networks mining difficulty reached an all-time high and the spot market price of bitcoin dropped below the cost of production. För närvarande, with electricity costs at $0.07 per kilowatt-hour (kWh), only 18 application-specific

Bitcoin Miners upptäckt 53,240 Block i år, Foundry Led the Pack, Hashrate har nått en rekordnivå

As the new year approaches, more than a dozen bitcoin mining pools still dedicate a total of 238 exahash per sekund (EH/s) toward the Bitcoin blockchain in order to secure the network and reap mining rewards. Statistics indicate that the mining

Data visar att det inte finns några vinster kvar för Bitcoin-gruvarbetare som inte kan få billig el, Kör effektiva gruvriggar

During the last few weeks bitcoin’s cost of production has been higher than the leading crypto asset’s spot market value and in turn, this has put massive pressure on bitcoin miners. On Nov. 30, 2022, statistics show if miners paying for

Bitcoin Miner Cleanspark förvärvar 3,853 Bitmain-tillverkade BTC gruvriggar för $5.9 Miljon

On Nov. 1, 2022, the bitcoin miner Cleanspark revealed it acquired 3,853 Bitmain-brand Antminer S19J Pro mining rigs for $5.9 miljon. According to Cleanspark, the company has purchased 26,500 bitcoin mining machines since the crypto winter started in June. Cleanspark-köp…

Tillverkare av gruvrigg Canaan lanserar 2 Nya ASIC Bitcoin Miners Med upp till 130 Terahash

På måndag, bitcoin mining rig manufacturer Canaan Inc., announced the launch of the company’s latest high-performance bitcoin miners called the A13 series. Canaan has revealed two models in the A13 series, which feature “improved power efficiency over its predecessors,” and the

Bitcoin Networks gruvsvårigheter minskar för första gången 2 månader

Following four consecutive Bitcoin mining difficulty increases, the networks difficulty dropped for the first time in 68 dagar, sliding 2.14% på blockhöjd 756,000 på tisdag. The change means its currently 2.14% easier to find a bitcoin block reward following the

ETC, RVN, ERGO Hashrate skjuter i höjden efter sammanslagningen, Stor mängd hashpower väntar på ETHW-gaffel

Ethereum has officially transitioned from a proof-of-work (PoW) network to a proof-of-stake (PoS) system after seven years of operating as a PoW blockchain. The Merge has forced ethereum miners to transition to other PoW-based tokens and after the ruleset change was

4 Kryptotokens skördar hashpower från sammanslagningen, ETC säkrar det mesta av hashratet som lämnar ETH

20 dagar sedan, a poll was shared on Twitter asking miners where they planned to dedicate their hashrate, after The Merge transitions Ethereum into a proof-of-stake (PoS) blockchain. The proof-of-work (PoW) contenders at the time were tokens like ravencoin, alltså, flux,…

Ethereum Classics Hashrate slår ännu en rekord genom tiderna efter Ethereums härdade sammanslagningstidslinje

På torsdag, following the official proof-of-stake (PoS) transition announcement from the Ethereum Foundation, Ethereum Classic’s hashrate tapped another all-time high at block height 15,806,925. The latest jump to 38.64 terahash marks the networks second record high in five days, as Ethereum