Miljardären Ray Dalio ser en begränsning av Bitcoins pris, Tvivlar BTC kan nå $1 Miljon

Billionaire Ray Dalio, the founder of the worlds largest hedge fund, Bridgewater Associates, säger det’s not possible for the price of bitcoin to reach a very high number, such as $1 miljon. Han förklarade: “Logically … där’s a limitation on its

Dogecoin Foundation säger att det arbetar med Ethereums Vitalik Buterin på ett insatskoncept

According to the Dogecoin Foundation, the organization is working with Vitalik Buterin on constructing proof-of-stake (PoS) capabilities for the Dogecoin network. De “uniquely Doge proposalis aimed at bolstering acommunity stakingversion of the protocol. Dogecoin Foundation Discusses the Project’s…