Xapo Bank integrerar Lightning Network-betalningar genom Lightspark Partnership

På marsch 2, Xapo Bank announced its partnership with Lightspark, a company led by David Marcus, former crypto boss at Facebook. The partnership aims to extend the utility of bitcoin and the Lightning Network. Xapo revealed on Thursday that it is

Mer än ett halvdussin amerikanska värdepapperstillsynsmyndigheter anmäler åtgärder mot kryptolångivare Nexo

Crypto lender Nexo is having issues with state authorities from California, New York, Washington, Kentucky, Vermont, South Carolina, and Maryland. The enforcement actions from multiple state securities regulators detail that Nexos Earn Interest Product (EIP) may be in violation of securities

USA:s statliga tillsynsmyndighet varnar för kryptoräntebärande konton mitt i marknadsnedgången

The financial regulator of the U.S. state of Arizona has warned investors about crypto interest-bearing accounts. “Some companies may materially overstate the degree to which their collateral practices protect their ability to pay investors the stated return,” the regulator said. State

SEC, Statliga tillsynsmyndigheter undersöker kryptolångivare Celsius över frysning av konton

USA. säkerhet och utbytesprovision (SEC) och flera statliga tillsynsmyndigheter undersöker enligt uppgift kryptolångivaren Celsius Networks beslut att frysa uttag. U.S. Värdepapperstillsynsmyndigheter undersöker Celsius’ Uttag Frys U.S.A. SEC och värdepapperstillsynsmyndigheter i Alabama, Kentucky, Ny…