Bitcoin-svårigheter når ny rekordnivå efter fjärde höjningen i rad

I april 6, 2023, Bitcoin’s difficulty rose 2.23% higher at block height 784,224, touching another all-time high. It’s the fourth consecutive difficulty increase on the Bitcoin network since Feb. 24, and the protocol’s current difficulty is 47.89 biljon, which is only

Bitcoin-halveringsmetoder: Mindre än 400 Dagar tills subventionen för blockbelöning halveras

According to current statistics, the Bitcoin network is fewer than 56,000 blocks away and less than 400 days away from the next reward halving. After the next halving, the block reward will be reduced by 50%, and the current block subsidy

Svårighetsgraden för Bitcoin-gruvdrift når rekordnivån när gruvarbetare står inför den näst största ökningen i år

Bitcoin’s mining difficulty reached an all-time high (ATH) on Feb. 24, 2023, på blockhöjd #778,176, nå 43.05 trillion hashes and surpassing the 40 trillion mark for the first time ever. The networks difficulty increased by 9.95%, which is the second-largest

Medan gruvarbetare hanterar låga BTC-priser, Bitcoins gruvsvårighetsmål förväntas öka 3% Högre

Bitcoin’s mining difficulty target is expected to increase on Dec. 19, 2022, after printing the largest reduction recorded in 2022 on Dec. 5, på blockhöjd 766,080. Under den sista 2,016 block, Bitcoin’s hashrate has been around 254.3 exahash per sekund…

Nyligen undertecknad 2009 Bitcoin Block-belöning kopplad till Hal Finneys uppsättning BTC-transaktioner

At the end of November, an unknown person signed a signature tied to an extremely old block reward mined on Jan. 19, 2009, and the user published a message and verified signature linked to the reward on the forum De…

Bitcoins totala hashrate sjunker i december när BTC-gruvarbetare kämpar för vinster

While bitcoin prices have been lower than the estimated cost of bitcoin production, the networks hashrate has dropped a great deal since mid-November. Presently, the total hashrate dedicated to the Bitcoin network is coasting along at 236 exahash per sekund (EH/s)…

Bitcoins hashrate förblir starkare än någonsin inför kryptovinterpriser och skyhöga svårigheter

Despite the fact that bitcoin miners are getting bare minimums in profits per petahash per second (PH/s), and the myriad of headlines showing specific mining operations folding from the crypto winter, the networks total hashrate continues to chug along at close

Framsteg mot Bitcoins halvering är 60% Komplett, Blocktider föreslår att minskning kan ske nästa år

According to countdown statistics based on the average block generation time of around ten minutes, progress toward the next Bitcoin block reward halving has surpassed 60%. i alla fall, while most halving countdown clocks leverage the ten-minute average, the countdown leveraging the most

Bitcoins gruvsvårighetsförändring skriver ut 2022:s näst största ökning - metrisk nästan all-time high

På onsdag, Bitcoin’s gruvsvårigheter hoppade 9.26% högre, registrerar den näst högsta svårighetsgraden 2022. Den senaste ökningen är Bitcoin’s tredje svårighetsökning sedan augusti 4, 2022, och det’s nu 11.63% svårare att hitta bitcoin block belöning. Bitcoin Difficulty Jumps

Terras grundare Do Kwon "ser fram emot att bygga med Bitcoin" - Projektet ska enligt uppgift förvärva 125 miljoner dollar i BTC

Nyligen, Terra founder Do Kwon hinted at purchasing $3 billion in bitcoin to bolster the protocols reserves and according to a number of reports and blockchain analysis, Terra purchased $125 million worth of bitcoin on March 21. The following day,…