Smarta kontraktspoletter, Defi Ekonomi Se stark tillväxt, Börsvärdet sväller med $78 Miljarder in 30 dagar

Smart contract tokens and the decentralized finance economy have been on a tear during the last month, gaining against the U.S. dollar. The market capitalization of the smart contract platform token economy has swelled by $78 billion over the last 30

Ontario Teachers' Pension Fund skriver ner hela investeringen i konkursmässig kryptobörs FTX med hänvisning till "potentiellt bedrägeri"

Ontario TeachersPension Plan (OTPP), one of the largest pension plans in the world, is writing down its investment in the bankrupt crypto exchange FTX. “Recent reports suggest potential fraud conducted at FTX which is deeply concerning for all parties,” de…

Värde låst i Defi fortsätter att glida, ETH Defi dominerar av 65%, Solana Transactions Reign

The total value locked (TVL) in decentralized finance has slid 15.63% since the metrics all-time high of $275 billion sixteen days ago on December 1. Since the end of the first week of December, TVL är nere 7.19% lower with

Totalt värde låst i cross-chain Defi-broar överstiger $22 Miljard, Hoppar 48% i 30 dagar

I oktober 29, det totala värdet låst (TVL) inom decentraliserad finans (defi) protocols is around $243 billion with Curve capturing 7.76% of the dominance. Under tiden, as ethereum has the largest dominance of TVL in defi, a number of alternative blockchains are