Kraljevina Tonga bo morda sprejela Bitcoin kot zakonito plačilno sredstvo, Pravi nekdanji poslanec

Kraljevina Tonga lahko sprejme bitcoin kot zakonito plačilno sredstvo, po besedah ​​nekdanjega člana Tonge’s parlamentom, Gospod Fusitu’a, ki je tvitnil o možnem časovnem načrtu tega dogodka. varovalka’a verjame, da bo do naslednje jeseni račun…

Svet federacije Rusije bo ustanovil delovno skupino za kripto predpise

The Federation Council of the Russian legislature is forming a working group expected to propose comprehensive regulations for cryptocurrencies. Officials from several ministries and government agencies, as well as members of the countrys expanding crypto industry, will join the body. Federation

Ruski uradniki podpirajo zamisel o priznavanju kripto rudarjev kot podjetnikov

Cryptocurrency mining should be recognized as an entrepreneurial activity under Russian law and taxed accordingly, representatives of key ministries in Moscow and the parliament have indicated. Officials believe the regulatory move would benefit both the state and the crypto industry. Russian