Newyorški sodnik naloži podjetju Terraform Labs, da upošteva preiskovalne sodne pozive SEC

A recent court filing stemming from the Southern District of New York shows that a U.S. district judge has ordered the crypto startup Terraform Labs to comply with the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) subpoenas. During the second week of November

DOJ Selling Cryptocurrency Seized From Bitconnect Worth $56 milijon

ZDA. Department of Justice (DOJ) is selling cryptocurrency worth $56 million that was seized from thenumber one promoterof Bitconnect, the largest crypto fraud scheme ever charged criminally. Investors were fraudulently induced to invest over $2 milijarde. The Bitconnect

Cunliffe Bank of England: Kripto grožnja finančni stabilnosti je vse bližje — regulatorje poziva k takojšnjemu ukrepanju

Bank of England’s deputy governor for financial stability, Sir Jon Cunliffe, has warned that cryptocurrency is getting closer to posing a threat to global financial stability due to the sectors rapid growth. Crypto is also being integrated into the traditional financial

Bank of England: Kripto sredstva predstavljajo "omejeno" tveganje za stabilnost finančnega sistema Združenega kraljestva

Bank of England pravi, da kripto sredstva predstavljajo “omejeno” neposredna tveganja za stabilnost države’finančni sistem. “Kriptosredstva in povezani trgi ter storitve še naprej rastejo in se hitro razvijajo. Such assets are becoming increasingly integrated into the