Elon Musk, Tesla, Spacex Facing $258 Billion Lawsuit for Promoting Dogecoin

Elon Musk, Tesla, and Spacex are being sued for $258 billion over claims that theyare engaged in a crypto pyramid scheme (aka Ponzi scheme) by way of dogecoin cryptocurrency.The lawsuit states that Musk and his companiesfalsely and deceptively

V Rusiji narašča število tožb, povezanih s kripto, Število kazenskih zadev se je povečalo za 40%

Sodišča v Rusiji obravnavajo vse več primerov v zvezi s kripto sredstvi, je pokazala nova študija. About two-thirds of them have been launched under provisions of the countrys Criminal Code but civil cases represent a large share as well….

ZDA obtožijo zarotnike razvijalca Ethereuma, ki naj bi Severni Koreji pomagali pri izogibanju sankcijam z uporabo kripto

Two European citizens have been charged for conspiring with Ethereum developer Virgil Griffith to help North Korea evade U.S. sanctions using cryptocurrency, the Department of Justice (DOJ) napovedal. They conspiredto teach and advise members of the North Korean government on

Newyorški sodnik naloži podjetju Terraform Labs, da upošteva preiskovalne sodne pozive SEC

A recent court filing stemming from the Southern District of New York shows that a U.S. district judge has ordered the crypto startup Terraform Labs to comply with the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) subpoenas. During the second week of November

SEC zavrača zahtevo zakona o svobodi informacij v zvezi z dokumenti Tether

septembra 24, osebni pisec za The New Republic, Jakob Silverman, tvitnil o zakonu o svobodi informacij (FOIA) zahtevo, ki jo je vložil in je bila nazadnje zavrnjena. Na platformi družbenih medijev, Silverman je zapisal, da je dobil provizijo za vrednostne papirje in borzo…

Former Monero Developer Spagni Released From US Prison, Pledges to Address Fraud Allegations

Former Monero developer Riccardo Spagni has been released from a U.S. prison where he reportedly spentsixty-one days in solitary confinement.The developers release was prompted by the failure of South African authoritiesto make a timely submission in support of

Crypto Investor Sues Apple Over Malicious App That Stole Cryptocurrencies

A crypto investor has filed a class-action lawsuit against Apple Inc. after she downloaded a malicious application from the companys App Store that led to the theft of her cryptocurrencies. Apple Sued Over Theft of Cryptocurrency Due to Malicious App Hadona

Salvadorsko računsko sodišče bo preiskalo vladne nakupe bankomatov za bitcoine, Gradnja kioska Chivo

According to reports stemming from the Salvadoran Court of Accounts, the regulatory body is planning to investigate the governments bitcoin automated teller machine (bankomat) purchases and Chivo kiosk construction. The investigation follows the recent protest in El Salvador against the adoption