UAE to Jail Promoters of Fraudulent Cryptocurrency Schemes for Five Years, Offenders to Pay Over $270K in Fines

Fraudsters promoting online cryptocurrency scams in the United Arab Emirates (ZAE) now face a possible five-year jail sentence plus a fine of up to $272,000, according to a report. The new measures, which are set to take effect on January 2,

Skybridge Capital’s Scaramucci on Crypto Boom: ‘The Institutions Are Not There’

Anthony Scaramucci, CEO of Skybridge Capital, a multi-asset class investment firm, says he thinks the institutional investment boom in cryptocurrencies has been greatly exaggerated. In an interview given to Bloomberg last week, Scaramucci stated that most institutions are still not interested

Izvršni direktor Ripple pravi, da SEC ne daje jasnega okvira za kripto, Razpravlja o tožbi XRP

As the lawsuit with the U.S. Komisija za vrednostne papirje in borzo (SEC) continues, Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse insists that the Commission has provided no clarity in crypto regulation. He said the SEC is using its meetings with crypto companies as lead generation

Generalni državni tožilec New Yorka zaprl platformo za trgovanje s kripto Coinseed, ki je vlagatelje ogoljufala za milijone

Generalna državna tožilka New Yorka Letitia James je zagotovila sodni nalog za zaprtje borze kriptovalut Coinseed. Tudi vrstni red “trajno postavi sodnega upravitelja za pridobitev, varovalo, in vrniti vsa vložena sredstva in s katerimi se trguje” menjava. Newyorški odvetnik…


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