Ukrajinska varnostna služba je zaprla farmo za kripto rudarjenje blizu frontne črte v Harkovu

Ukrajina’s main law enforcement agency has busted an illegal facility mining cryptocurrencies in the Kharkiv region. The operators of the crypto farm have been minting coins using large amounts of stolen electricity, threatening energy supply to critical infrastructure, the agency said….

Študija kaže, da Singapur vodi pri iskanju NFT po vsem svetu, Raziskovalci pravijo, da je Poljska najbolj proti NFT država

V zadnjih sedmih dneh, nezamenljivi žeton (NFT) prodaja je padla 23.37% in 30-dnevna statistika kaže, da je prodaja NFT upadla 63.10% od prejšnjega meseca. Medtem ko zanimanje za NFT upada, nedavna študija kaže, da svetovne regije, kot sta Singapur in…

Študija kaže, da so Združene države domovina 41% podjetij NFT po vsem svetu

Glede na raziskavo imenovano “Svet sprejemanja NFT” objavil, Združene države imajo največ nezamenljivih žetonov (NFT) sedež podjetja na svetu. Medtem ko ZDA. zajema več kot 41% podjetij NFT po vsem svetu, drugi…

Bitcoin Ink: Study Shows Interest in ‘Crypto Tattoos’ Jumped 222% in the Past Year

As cryptocurrencies, bitcoin, decentralizirane finance (defi), and non-fungible token (NFT) technology experienced extreme growth during the last year, interest in crypto tattoos has risen a great deal. According to a recent study published by Crypto Head, searches for tattoos related to

Zašteti 30.000 $ ali več v Ethereumu — pogled na vrh 5 Spodnje cene NFT

Nezamenljiv žeton (NFT) sredstva so zelo priljubljena že več kot 12 mesecih in veliko število zbirk je močno naraslo v vrednosti. Medtem ko je glede na iskalne poizvedbe Google Trends zanimanje za NFT padlo na najnižjo raven v štirih mesecih, a vast

Applov izvršni direktor ima v lasti kriptovalute – Tim Cook meni, da je »smiselno imeti v lasti kot del raznolikega portfelja«

The CEO of the tech giant Apple, Tim Cook disclosed that he owns cryptocurrency and said that he thinks its reasonable to own it as part of a diversified portfolio.Cooks statements stemmed from an appearance with the New York Times

Ukraine Security Service Busts Criminal Group Selling Bitcoin-Stealing Malware

Law enforcement authorities in Ukraine have exposed a crime ring specializing in cryptocurrency theft and laundering of illicit funds for hackers. The gang, which provided services to clients on the darknet, has been dismantled as a result of a joint operation

Raziskave kažejo 64% Britancev meni, da kripto "ni varna naložba".,Anketiranci menijo, da je Ethereum droga, Cardano je sir

While theres a lot of hype surrounding digital currencies like bitcoin, a great number of people are still confused by the crypto economy and the myriad crypto assets that exist. One study shows that some people think Ethereum is a drug,…