LABEL Foundation napoveduje strateško partnerstvo s Polygon Studios za lansiranje njihovega Dappa na Polygon Mainnet

SPOROČILO ZA JAVNOST. V tej industriji, ključno je vzpostaviti ključna strateška partnerstva, da bi zagotovili tako dolgoživost kot blaginjo. Kot tak, LABEL Foundation has officially announced a partnership with Polygon Studios, with the further intention to chase their multichain

LeisurePay objavlja dvojne kotacije na Bitmart in Probit Global

SPOROČILO ZA JAVNOST. LeisurePay, ponudnik plačilnih rešitev za trgovce, ki uporablja tehnologijo blockchain in ga poganja edina banka v Ameriki, ki je v celoti v lasti temnopoltih, napoveduje prvo borzno kotacijo svojega žetona LPY. “Oglas z vrhom 20 Svetovna menjava v Probit Global, one

India’s Central Bank RBI Discusses Digital Currency and CBDC Launch With Minimal Impact on Monetary Policy

Indija’s central bank, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), says a basic central bank digital currency (CBDC) model must be adopted initially and tested comprehensively to minimize the impact on the countrys monetary policy and banking system. The Indian apex bank

Kitajska bo dodala rudarjenje kriptovalut na 'negativni seznam za dostop do trga', s čimer bo industrija prepovedana za vlagatelje

China has proposed adding cryptocurrency mining to the countrys latestNegative List for Market Access.This will make cryptocurrency mining an industry that is off-limits to investors, another move by the Chinese government to clamp down on crypto-related activities. Kitajska’s Negative