Ameriški senator Ted Cruz je kupil Bitcoin Dip, Razkriva nakup BTC v vrednosti do 50.000 $

ZDA. Senator Ted Cruz has declared his bitcoin purchase worth up to $50,000. “jaz’m also particularly proud that my home state, Teksas, is becoming an oasis for the blockchain community, for bitcoin miners, for innovators and entrepreneurs in the crypto world,”…

Kraljevina Tonga bo morda sprejela Bitcoin kot zakonito plačilno sredstvo, Pravi nekdanji poslanec

Kraljevina Tonga lahko sprejme bitcoin kot zakonito plačilno sredstvo, po besedah ​​nekdanjega člana Tonge’s parlamentom, Gospod Fusitu’a, ki je tvitnil o možnem časovnem načrtu tega dogodka. varovalka’a verjame, da bo do naslednje jeseni račun…

US Inflation Rate Jumps Highest in 40 Years to 7%, Democrats Concerned Inflation Will Haunt the Party

One of the hottest topics in the United States in 2022 is the rising inflation, kot ZDA. Labor Departments data published on Wednesday indicated that the consumer price index (CPI) rose to 7% in December. This represents the largest annual

Ameriški predsednik Biden se bliža odločitvi, da bo izbral predsednika Feda – poročila kažejo na žrebanje med Powellom in Brainardom

Following the passing of the Biden administrations infrastructure bill, ZDA. president appears to be nearing his decision on whether or not he will reappoint Jerome Powell, the current Federal Reserve Board chairperson. According to a few reports Powell may be

US Lawmakers Urge Fed Chair Jerome Powell to Support Crypto Innovation

Več ameriških. lawmakers have called on Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell to support cryptocurrency innovation. “The Federal Reserve must work to support domestic innovationOur government should never be in the business of thwarting innovation.Members of Congress Urge Fed

This Crowdsourced Project Attempts to Reveal American Politicians That Own Bitcoin

septembra 19, 2021, the software developer and cofounder of Casa, Jameson Lopp, announced a new project called which sifts through Congressional financial disclosures and records them into a database. Lopp says the aim is to createmore transparency around