ETH Mixer Tornado Cash razkriva blokiranje naslovov Ethereum, ki jih je odobril OFAC, prek Chainalysis Oracle Contract

Glede na projekt’uradni Twitter račun, Tornado Cash, storitev mešanja ethereuma, ki udeležencem omogoča mešanje etra, blokira označene naslove ethereum, navedene na Uradu za nadzor tujih sredstev’s (OFAC) Seznam posebej označenih državljanov in blokiranih oseb (SDN)….

Teslin Elon Musk ponuja nakup Twitterja za $41 milijarde, Pravi, da želi iz njega narediti zasebno podjetje

Tesla billionaire Elon Musk has offered to purchase Twitter for $41.4 milijarde, according to a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filing published on Thursday. Musk also explained in his note that he believes Twitter should be a private company and he

Poročilo: Fed’s Secret Repo Loans to Megabanks in 2020 Eclipsed 2008 Reševanja, Data Dump Shows $48 Trillion in Stealth Funding

Following the controversial bank bailouts and Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) v 2008, reports show in late 2019 in 2020, ZDA. Federal Reserve participated in providing trillions of dollars in secret repo loans to megabanks. Konec marca,…

Mozilla bo ponovno vzpostavila kripto donacije – organizacija ne bo sprejela kriptovalut z dokazom o delu

During the first week of January, the software community Mozilla revealed it was pausing cryptocurrency donations after citing environmental concerns. 14 weeks later, Mozilla decided last week it will accept crypto donations again, but only from digital assets that leverage a

Pritožba na razsodbo o tožbi glede bitcoina v vrednosti milijarde dolarjev – samooklicani izumitelj bitcoina pričakuje zmago

The law firm representing Ira Kleiman has sent a notice of appeal to the Florida District Court in an attempt to appeal the courts rejection of a Kleiman v. Wright retrial. The self-proclaimed Bitcoin inventor, Craig Wright, was cleared of all

Bank of Spain Reminds Public Cryptocurrency Purchases Can Be Blocked in Certain Cases

The Spanish central bank, Bank of Spain, has warned users about certain actions banks can take if they detect cryptocurrency purchases. In a post published on its web page, the institution explains that traditional banks have the ability to block these

Mexico’s Third Richest Billionaire Warns of Severe Dollar Inflation — Says Buy Bitcoin to ‘Save Your Skin’

The third-richest billionaire in Mexico, Ricardo Salinas Pliego, has shared his experience of living through hyperinflation. He warned that the U.S. and several other civilized countries aregoing exactly the same routehis country went through in the 1980s. Mexican Billionaire

The Eerie Similarities of Today’s Great Monetary Shift and the Panic-Led Creation of the Federal Reserve System

While many Americans believe the U.S. Federal Reserve is the caretaker of the countrys monetary system, its also believed to be one of the worst financial institutions ever created. notri 2022, amid a gloomy economy, war, and a number of global

Flota za rudarjenje bitcoinov Northern Data dodaja 21,000 ASIC naprave, Podjetje ima 168 milijonov dolarjev kripto sredstev

aprila 4, operacija rudarjenja bitcoinov Northern Data je objavila svoje finančne izkaze in zapisala, da je podjetje’rudarska flota se je povečala za približno 21,000 strojev do konca marca 2022. Na novo dodani stroji so povečali podjetje’s hashrate od…

Recent Poll Suggests 21% of Americans Have Dabbled in Crypto

A recent poll conducted by NBC News indicates that one in five Americans has used cryptocurrencies by either investing or trading digital assets. The findings suggest that crypto assets continue to become more popular as 21% od 1,000 participants surveyed