Elon Musk kritizira delo na daljavo, saj so delavci vse bolj zaskrbljeni zaradi nadzora v okoljih Metaverse

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and Spacex, said that remote work was no longer acceptable for Tesla workers in May. According to Qatalog and GitLab, remote workers spend extra time weekly trying to prove they are online and working to their employers. But metaverse environments, a futuristic approach to remote work solutions, also raise concerns for workers about the ability their bosses have to monitor their actions.


Elon Musk’s Dislike for Remote Work, ‘Digital Presenteeism’ Seen as Problem

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and Spacex, is not a fan of remote work. In a leaked memo directed to workers of Tesla, Musk stated that remote work wasn’t acceptable anymore, telling them they had to spend 40+ hours in the facilities of the company weekly or they will be fired. Musk even criticized other companies that allow remote work, saying they had not shipped an amazing product for “a while.”

New data indicates that Musk’s concerns are not unfounded. Po mnenju a študija completed by Qatalog and GitLab, “digital presenteeism” is becoming a problem. The concept refers to a group of actions that remote workers perform — in addition to their normal work — to show their superiors and colleagues they are indeed working during the day. The study found that remote workers spend 67 minutes doing such tasks each day, meaning that more than 5.5 hours a week are spent in this way.

Vendar, metaverse-based work, an emerging way of doing remote work, also presents its own set of difficulties.

Workers Fear Being Monitored in the Metaverse

With the rise of the metaverse as a new technology, some companies are experimenting with bringing remote workers to a workplace metaverse. Vendar, according to a survey objavljeno by Expressvpn, this approach also has its associated drawbacks, causing concern among some workers.

The survey, which polled 1,500 workers and 1,500 employers in the U.S., found that 63% of employees are worried about the possibility of their employers collecting their data while working in the metaverse. In the same way, surveillance is also an important concern, z 51% of these workers having fears about their employers collecting real-time location data, in 50% worried about real-time screen monitoring.

Workers more concerned about these issues are those coming from companies with more than 500 employees. drugo experiments have been done regarding the use of metaverse tech for remote work. Researchers of Coburg University, the University of Cambridge, the University of Primorska, and Microsoft Research, found that current metaverse tech is still not prepared to support remote work applications.

Oznake v tej zgodbi

What do you think about Elon Musk’s opinion on remote work, and the metaverse alternative? Povejte nam v spodnjem oddelku za komentarje.

Sergio Goščenko

Sergio je novinar o kriptovalutah s sedežem v Venezueli. Zase pravi, da zamuja v igri, vstop v kriptosfero, ko se je decembra zgodila rast cen 2017. Imeti računalniško inženirsko ozadje, živi v Venezueli, in nanje vpliva razmah kriptovalut na družbeni ravni, ponuja drugačno stališče o uspehu kriptovalut in o tem, kako pomaga tistim, ki nimajo bančnih storitev in nimajo dovolj storitev.

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