Musk Hires New CEO for Twitter, ‘She Will Be Starting in 6 Weeks’

Billionaire investor Elon Musk will be stepping down as chief executive of Twitter and taking on other roles in the company. The owner of the microblogging platform revealed he has hired a new CEO, media executive Linda Yaccarino, who should be

Chatgpt 'Je nova kripto,« Meta pravi, da akterji zlonamerne programske opreme izkoriščajo norost AI

Vse več ustvarjalcev zlonamerne programske opreme zdaj izkorišča veliko zanimanje za Chatgpt za privabljanje žrtev, Lastnica Facebooka Meta je opazila. Po besedah ​​vodje informacijske varnosti, the AI-based chatbot is “the new crypto” for bad actors