Stablecoin GUSD’s Supply Jumps Close to 130% Višje v 30 Dnevi

While the stablecoin economy has seen fluctuations from specific stablecoin tokens either increasing the projects number of tokens in circulation or decreasing the supply, the stablecoin GUSD issued by Gemini has increased by 129.5% med zadnjim 30 dnevi. GUSD Sees

Senator Indira Kempis Proposes Bill to Make Bitcoin Legal Tender in Mexico

Indira Kempis, senator of the Mexican Congress, has proposed a bill that would make bitcoin legal tender in the country. The bill bases its action on the hardships that Mexican citizens are facing went trying to access financial products and education….

Do Kwon obtožen izplačila 2,7 milijarde dolarjev pred propadom UST, Ustanovitelj Terra pravi, da so obtožbe lažne

Terra’s new LUNA 2.0 žeton je izgubljen 54% v vrednosti v zadnjih dveh tednih, po dosegu $11.33 maja na enoto 30. medtem, the whistleblower Fatman has accused Terras co-founder Do Kwon of cashing out $2.7 billion a few months

Trg stablecoin se približuje 15% tržnega vrednotenja celotnega kripto gospodarstva

Pred približno dvema mesecema, aprila 11, gospodarstvo stablecoin je bilo ocenjeno na $190 milijarde in je bil vse bližje presežku $200 milijarde v vrednosti. Vendar, po padcu stablecoina Terra, gospodarstvo žetonov, vezano na fiat, je izgubilo $16.31 billion in value since

FBI izda opozorilo o zlonamernih severnokorejskih hekerjih, ki jih sponzorira država in ciljajo na kripto podjetja

aprila 18, Zvezni preiskovalni urad (FBI), ZDA. Ministrstvo za finance, in Agencija za kibernetsko varnost in varnost infrastrukture (CISA) objavila svetovanje o kibernetski varnosti (CSA) poročilo o zlonamerni dejavnosti kriptovalute, ki jo sponzorira država Severne Koreje. Po podatkih ZDA. vlada, law enforcement

EU imenuje ESMA za kripto regulatorja v regiji v zadnjem osnutku MiCA

The Parliament of the EU has designated ESMA, the European Securities and Markets Authority, the top cryptocurrency regulator of the region in the latest draft of MiCA, the Markets in Crypto Assets regulation. The European organization would have the task of

Bandai Namco napoveduje Metaverse na temo Gundam

Bandai Namco, razvijalec iger in založniško podjetje, ki se ukvarja s proizvodnjo igrač iz več intelektualnih lastnin (IP-ji), je razkril več informacij o svojem 130 milijonov dolarjev vrednem metaverse gambitu. Podjetje pravi, da bo ta nova pobuda temeljila na njegovem IP-ju Gundam,…

De-Mixing Wasabi Coinjoin Transactions: A Deep Dive Into Chainalysis’ Deanonymizing Claims

V torek, journalist Laura Shin published a story that claims to identify the 2016 Genesis DAO hacker who siphoned 3.6 million ethereum from the decentralized autonomous organization. While the story surprised the crypto community, one of the biggest eye-openers was the

Gospodarstvo stabilnih coinov še naprej raste, ko se tržna kapitalizacija USDC preseže $50 milijarde

As the entire lot of 12,333 digital currencies hovers just above $1.8 trillion in value, the stablecoin economy has recently swelled to $178.8 billion or 9.9% celotne kriptoekonomije. Out of the top five stablecoins, usd kovanec (USDC) saw

Izdaja Stablecoin USDC ERC20 presega celotno ponudbo USDT na Ethereumu

V soboto, januar 15, 2022, the market capitalization of all the stablecoins in existence is $173 milijarde, which represents 7.93% od $2.18 trillion crypto-economy. The market valuations of stablecoins tether and usd coin represent 71.84% of the entire stablecoin economy’s…