Poročilo IMF o prevzemu bitcoina v Salvadorju: Preprečena tveganja, vendar je potrebna preglednost

Glede na nedavno izjavo o misiji, ki jo je objavil Mednarodni denarni sklad (IMF), Salvador je sprejel bitcoin kot zakonito plačilno sredstvo in se je doslej izogibal tveganjem. The IMF states that the risks have not materialized due to the limited use

El Salvador Chivo Wallet Programmer Opens Up About Alleged ID Fraud, Tech and Money Laundering Issues

A Chivo wallet programmer has opened up about the different problems that the flagship cryptocurrency wallet of El Salvador faced during its initial stages. Shaun Overton, who alleges he was hired to help in the handling of the issues, has talked

Bitcoin-Embracing El Salvador President’s Re-Election Declaration Slammed

Just over a year after overseeing El Salvadors adoption of bitcoin, the Central American countrys 41-year-old president, Nayib Bukele, recently declared his intention serve another five-year term. The announcement has been criticized by some who have been quick to remind Bukele

Kolumbijski finančni nadzornik pripravlja norme za kripto transakcije

Kolumbijski finančni nadzornik, vrednostni papirji in finančni nadzornik države, pripravlja dokument za ureditev transakcij in poslovanja s kriptovalutnimi sredstvi v državi. The organization announced that it will present the document in the

El Salvador Rejects IMF Call to Abandon Bitcoin as Legal Tender

El Salvador has rejected the recommendation by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to drop bitcoin as legal tender. Država’s finance minister reportedlyangrily” rekel, “No international organization is going to make us do anything, anything at all.El Salvador Says

MFI pove Salvadorju: Stroški ustvarjanja zakonitega plačilnega sredstva Bitcoina presegajo morebitne koristi

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has told El Salvador that the costs of implementing the countrys Bitcoin law, which makes the cryptocurrency legal tender, exceed the potential benefits. The IMF has also urged El Salvador to dissolve theFidebitcointrust fund

Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele Says Citizens Paying for Gas With the Chivo Wallet Will Get a Discount

The Salvadoran president, Nayib Bukele revealed on Friday that Chivo wallet users will be able to get a discount on petroleum fill-ups at the largest gas stations in the country. Chivo wallet users paying for fuel will save $0.20 per gallon