Итальянский платежный гигант Nexi участвует в проекте Digital Euro

Nexi, a leading European payments company, is reportedly giving advice to the European Central Bank (ЕЦБ) related to the digital euro project. The announcement was made by Nexis CEO Paolo Bertoluzzo, who also gave his opinion about the future of central

Иранские законодатели выступают против ограничений криптовалюты, Призыв к вспомогательным правилам

Members of the Iranian parliament, the Majlis, have voiced concerns over Tehrans restrictive policies towards innovations such as cryptocurrencies. Following the release of a study recommending a new approach towards the crypto industry, the lawmakers have called for the adoption of

Криптовалюта набирает обороты в небольших городах Индии: Хотя опыт казался очень простым

Cryptocurrency usage and trading are experiencing a boom in India, and most of this growth is coming from small cities. According to reports from local exchanges, the growth has been exponential. The profile of these new participants has also been interesting,…

Стратег JPMorgan оценивает справедливую стоимость эфира в $1,500 На фоне конкуренции со стороны «убийц Эфириума»

A strategist at JPMorgan stated that ethers fair value is way lower than its current price. According to a set of measurements based on network activity, he calculated ethers value at $1,500, 55% lower than its market price. One of the

Банк России «замедлит» платежи на криптобиржи, Обуздайте импульсивные инвестиции россиян

Центральный банк России теперь работает с коммерческими банками, чтобы отсрочить платежи на биржи цифровых активов. Этот шаг направлен на ограничение “эмоциональный” покупки криптовалюты, совершенные “неквалифицированный” Российские инвесторы, представитель ЦБ РФ сообщил. The move is likely

Binance готовит изменения для работы с регуляторами по всему миру

Binance, the leading cryptocurrency exchange, has announced it is preparing changes to be able to work with regulators more closely. Its CEO, Чанпэн Чжао, stated the company is ready to apply the needed revisions to transform the exchange into a regulated

Сенатор США Уоррен нажимает на SEC для устранения сбоев в работе криптобиржи, Высокие комиссии за транзакции, Финансовая доступность

At the U.S. Senate Banking Committee hearing Tuesday, Senator Elizabeth Warren called on the chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Гэри Генслер, to increase oversight of cryptocurrency. She brought up several problems she associates with cryptocurrency that could hurt

Центральный банк Турции расширяет исследования, Готовится к тестированию цифровой лиры на новой платформе

The Turkish central bank has established a new platform together with technology stakeholders to further the development of a digitalized version of the national fiat currency. The new collaboration will allow Turkey to focus on expanding research and conducting tests of

Китайская провинция Хэбэй начинает борьбу с майнингом и торговлей криптовалютой, Отчеты

Authorities in the Chinese province of Hebei have reportedly launched a campaign against cryptocurrency mining and trading. According to a quoted announcement by the regions cyberspace administration, a number of government agencies are working together to prevent the use of the

Цифровой рубль поможет ограничить использование «денежных суррогатов»,Россия говорит в документе финансовой стратегии

The launch of a digital ruble will be among Russias key priorities of digitalization this decade, страна’s financial market development strategy has confirmed. The document claims the issuance of a digital national fiat will help the central bank to prevent