Voyager Digital предоставляет обновленную информацию о плане возмещения кредиторам

Following Binance’s withdrawal from the Voyager Digital deal on April 25, the now-defunct crypto lender has recently informed creditors that they can expect to receive their initial cash and crypto distributionswithin the next few weeks.This update comes nine days

VC Darling Crypto Sui произвел фурор своим дебютом на рынке, Цена снижается 37% С рекордно высокого уровня

A buzz has been generated around a new layer one (L1) proof-of-stake blockchain initiative named Sui, following the network’s mainnet debut on May 3, 2023. The native token SUI has been listed on various cryptocurrency exchanges, drawing attention to the project….

Банковская индустрия США в смятении: Комплексный взгляд на «великую консолидацию» и крупнейшие банковские банкротства 2023

2023 has been a rollercoaster ride for the U.S. banking industry. The collapse of three major banks has sent shockwaves through the financial world, with their combined assets surpassing the top 25 banks that crumbled in 2008. The following is a

Криптовалютной бирже Coinbase грозит судебный иск из-за сбора биометрических данных

The Nasdaq-listed cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase has been accused of “wrongfully” profiting from its users’ facial and fingerprint scans. “Coinbase collects, stores, possesses, otherwise obtains, uses, and disseminates its usersbiometric data to, amongst other things, further enhance Coinbase and its online

Ломая барьеры традиционного банковского дела с помощью цифровых активов

Another one bites the dust! The banking industry in the United States is in trouble, and regional banks are feeling the squeeze. A number of banks have failed recently due to mismanagement, poor risk management, and other factors which are leading

Смарт-контракты Bitcoin Cash, «сопоставимые с контрактами на Ethereum», возможны после майского обновления, «1000-кратное преимущество в эффективности»: Дев Джейсон Дрейзенер

Pro-freedom technologies advocate and software developer Jason Dreyzehner recently spoke with News via email about the upcoming Bitcoin Cash network upgrade on May 15. One of the most talked about improvement proposals set to go through on that date —…

Рост комиссий в сети Ethereum 153% в 30 Дней, В то время как ежедневные транзакции Arbitrum превосходят ETH после обновления Shapella

Ethereum network fees have experienced a significant upswing following the implementation of the Shapella upgrade on April 12th. In the last 30 дни, onchain fees have soared by over 153%, from a prior rate of $4.65 per transfer to a current

Фонд правовой защиты биткойнов, поддерживаемый Джеком Дорси, поддерживает разработчиков открытого исходного кода в судебном процессе с Крейгом Райтом

Bitcoin Legal Defense Fund (BLDF) recently delivered on its promise to fund the legal costs of 11 Bitcoin developers that are the target of the self-proclaimed Bitcoin inventor Craig Wright’s lawsuit. According to Alex Morcos, в “mission [of BLDF] is to

Мем-монета PEPE растет 152% На этой неделе, Теперь пятый по величине мем-токен по рыночной капитализации

Pepe (PEPE), the meme coin featuring the popular character Pepe the Frog, has experienced a significant surge in value in the past week, rising by 152.9% против США. доллар. Recent statistics indicate that PEPEs market capitalization has surged from $141

Последние письма Сатоши: «Сделайте это о проекте с открытым исходным кодом»,Экономист прогнозирует «катастрофическое» падение уровня жизни в США, Акции FRC резко упали, и многое другое — обзор недели

Another week has passed in the world of crypto and finance, with the anniversary of Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto’s last known emails, predictions of massive declines in Americansstandard of living, and important developments at the struggling First Republic Bank. All