ビデオゲームの巨人UbisoftがNFTプラットフォームを発表, ソフトウェア会社のBlockchain-TechRunson Tezos

モントルイユに本拠を置くフランスのビデオゲームメーカー, Ubisoft Entertainment SA, 同社はUbisoft Quartzと呼ばれるブロックチェーンベースのプラットフォームを立ち上げたと発表した. 同社によると, プラットフォームは、プレイ可能でエネルギー効率の高い代替不可能なトークンで特定のゲームを強化します (NFT) assets….


Unexpectedly high demand for Switzerlands first crypto stamp has created headaches for the national postal service. Swiss Post announced it had to deal with technical issues when numerous orders hit its online shop all at once on the day the innovative

ブロックチェーンベースのソーシャルネットワークViblosが3月にベータ版をリリース 2022

プレスリリース. In todays day and age, social networks play an immense part in peoples lives. でも, some privacy issues and other concerns have surfaced and become problems that many centralized bodies have yet to address. Somewhat unexpectedly, the need for


Twitter has set up a team to focus on “暗号, ブロックチェーン, and other decentralized technologiesincluding and going beyond cryptocurrencies.” 最初は, the team will explore how it cansupport the growing interest among creators to use decentralized apps to manage


The Senate in Kazakhstan has approved amendments aimed at preventing the legalization of illicit funds which will affect companies dealing with digital assets, とりわけ. The new legislation subjects crypto service providers to the countrys financial monitoring regime. Senators Back Law

まで 12 百万人のイラン人が暗号通貨を所有している, トレーダーはローカル取引所を選択します

Cryptocurrencies are a popular investment among Iranians and estimates suggest that the number of those who already own one coin or another may be as high as 12 100万. The majority of Iranian traders prefer the services of local crypto exchanges,…


プレスリリース. Singapore-based Enjinstarter (EJS) has completed its Token Generation Exercise (TGE), raising a total of $500,000 via a collaborative fund raising effort over 4 launchpads namely Genesis Shards, Chainboost, Starter.xyz and Enjinstarters own launchpad. This followed a highly-successful, oversubscribed private


その後、法廷で争った後 2015, 元ヘッジファンドマネージャーのマーティン・シュクレリは、証券詐欺を企てたとして7年の懲役を宣告され、支払いを余儀なくされました $7.4 百万の罰金. シュクレリの一人’大切な持ち物,…

イーロン・マスクがドージコインを支持する本当の理由を明らかにする, テスラとスペースXの多くの人々がドージを所有していると言います

Elon Musk has revealed the real reason he supports the meme cryptocurrency dogecoin. He shared that a lot of people he talks to at his companies, テスラとスペースX, own dogecoin, noting thatit felt like the peoples crypto.Lots of