カザフスタンが違法採掘を取り締まる, バスト 13 クリプトファーム

Authorities in Kazakhstan have gone after illegal crypto mining operations amid ongoing issues with electricity supply. Working together with law enforcement, 国’s energy ministry announced the closure of over a dozen facilities minting digital currencies. Government Shuts Down Unauthorized Crypto

ペルー中央銀行総裁が暗号通貨を批判, 本質的価値と気候変動の欠如を引用する

Julio Velarde, the president of the Central Bank of Peru, attacked the value of cryptocurrencies and referred to negative effects they are said to have on the environment. In a recent interview with local media, Velarde said the Bank did not

ビットコインマイニングレポートは、ネットワークのエミッションアカウントを示しています 0.08% 世界のCO2の

昨年中, ビットコイン — the cryptocurrency network that leverages proof-of-work (捕虜) to process transactions and secure the protocolhas received a lot of criticism about its environmental impact. 今週, the cryptocurrency firm Coinshares published a report that


Al Fardan Exchange, a money transfer firm, has joined up with Ripplenet in a deal that will see the company use the Ripplenet blockchain when sending funds across national borders. Al Fardans Reasons for Joining Ripple A United Arab Emirates (アラブ首長国連邦)-ベースの…

ベテラントレーダーのピーターブラントがビットコインフォールズとして「聖なる取引ルール」を共有, ディップの購入に対して警告

Veteran trader Peter Brandt has shareda sacred trading rulehe uses in response to a comment about buying bitcoin as the price of the cryptocurrency continues to fall. “Never add to a losing trade,” he affirmed. Peter Brandt Offers Trading

連邦準備制度理事会の議事録は「棍棒」の世界市場を報告します—株式, 暗号, 貴金属の価値の低下

Minutes from the U.S. 連邦準備金’s policy meeting on December 14-15 show that the central bank is being persistent about unwinding quantitive easing (QE) tactics and that it views ultra-low interest rates as no longer necessary. Global markets immediately dropped after

国営石油会社の年金受給者は受け取る 2 ベネズエラの贈り物としてのペトロス

The pensioners of the state-owned oil company of Venezuela, PDVSA, have started receiving a Christmas bonus in petros (PTR), the first national cryptocurrency launched back in 2018. The petro, which is backed by Venezuelan oil and other resources, can be traded

ドバイが暗号ゾーンを作成, バイナンスが努力に加わる

The Dubai World Trade Centre will become a comprehensive ecosystem for cryptocurrencies and providers of related services. The move is part of efforts to support new industries and the emirate intends to source help from crypto companies like Binance. Dubai World


救世主’s leading ecologist Ricardo Navarro believes that mining bitcoin with a volcano, or geothermal energy, willend in environmental disaster.Navarro believes geothermal energy costs more than oil, and thinks El Salvadors millennial president Nayib Bukeles decision is questionable. Salvadoran


Jordan Belfort, the former stockbroker whose memoir was made into a film starring Leonardo DiCaprio, has warned about investing in meme cryptocurrencies, like dogecoin (ドージ) and shiba inu (シブ). Belfort explained thatPeople are taking advantage of an unregulated market,” 強調する…