
Sega, the renowned game development company based in Japan, has hinted at the use of NFT (代替不可能なトークン) and metaverse elements in its new game proposal. DubbedSuper Game,” this new framework includes a series of AAA games that will use


Ripio, an Argentinian cryptocurrency exchange, has announced concrete actions regarding its expansion to Colombia. The company will offer a new option for cryptocurrency users and traders in Colombia, and will also offer a financial education proposal that is yet to be


Meta is bringing interactive 3D ads to Facebook and Instagram feeds, inspired by the metaverse pivot the company has begun to execute since its name change. This is possible due to a new integration in Metas AR (Augmented Reality) publishing library


Leading cryptocurrency exchange Binance is showing its intention of expanding its activities to Brazil. The company announced that it has signed a memorandum of understanding with a regulated securities brokerage firm in Brazil, with the intention of acquiring it. 会社,…


わさび財布, a privacy-oriented bitcoin-only wallet, has announced it will start introducing censorship methods into its mixing procedures. The announcement was made on social media, where the official account of Wasabi explained that a blacklist will prevent some UTXOs (unspent transaction

Crypto’s Sanction-Slipping Power: ビットコインの中立性が最大の人道的資産である理由

Decentralized networks such as Bitcoins dont know national allegiance, they only know math. And when youre trying to get your savings out of an ATM, or send a payment to relatives in a war-torn environment, someone elses politics is the last

地政学的リスクとウクライナの懸念が株式を揺るがす, 暗号通貨—金はより高く急上昇します

水曜日に, global markets have been volatile as Ukraine officials declared a state of emergency amid fears of a Russian invasion. ウォール街’s top indexes shuddered during the days trading sessions, and cryptocurrency markets slipped more than 4% during the 24

ルナ財団警備員が昇給 $1 USTドルペグを守るための10億

The Luna Foundation Guard (LFG) 上げた $1 billion in a private token sale to allow the group to safeguard the peg of UST, テラ’s flagship stablecoin, against market instabilities. While the token has an algorithmic method to maintain its dollar

ペルー中央銀行総裁が暗号通貨を批判, 本質的価値と気候変動の欠如を引用する

Julio Velarde, the president of the Central Bank of Peru, attacked the value of cryptocurrencies and referred to negative effects they are said to have on the environment. In a recent interview with local media, Velarde said the Bank did not

ロシアは、国家が違法な資金を差し押さえることを許可する法律を採用しています, 職員からのデジタル資産

The State Duma of Russia, the lower house of parliament, has passed a law permitting law enforcement authorities to seek confiscation of illegally obtained funds from government officials, including cryptocurrency. The state may attempt to seize the assets through court if