Moonshotから$90Kへ—ビットコインのアップグレード後Taprootがアクティブ化, 暗号支持者は価格が上昇することを期待しています

In mid-June, の ‘Speedy Triallock-in period for the Bitcoin network upgrade Taproot locked in at block height 687,285 and was mined by the bitcoin mining pool Slushpool. Taproot is expected to activate on the network on Saturday, 11月 13, 2021,…

新しい学術論文は説明します 3 イーサリアムPoSチェーンに対する攻撃方法

Following the Altair upgrade on the Ethereum network, the protocols native cryptocurrency reached a new all-time price high. Altair is the next step for the Ethereums networks proof-of-stake (PoS) 遷移. でも, a recently submitted white paper explains that a group of

DRepublicがコンビナブルNFTプラットフォームを発表, EIP-3664を使用した「MetaCore」

プレスリリース. Blockchain company DRepublic has announced the launch of their innovative combinable NFT platform MetaCore, and NFT product Legoot, using the new EIP-3664 Modularity. Blockchain MMORPG gameCradles: Origin Of Speciescreators DRepublic have now developed the first-ever combinable NFT

カルダノはアロンゾハードフォークをうまく適用します; そのブロックチェーンにスマートコントラクト機能を追加します

カルダノ, the third cryptocurrency ranked by market cap, has successfully applied theAlonzohard fork, adding smart contract capabilities to its functionality. The update, that had been deployed in testnet days ago, finally was incorporated in mainnet yesterday. Cardano is now