
電子商取引とオンライン オークションの巨人である Ebay は、同社が代替不可能なトークンを取得したことを発表しました。 (NFT) マーケットプレイス. Ebay は、この買収は “Ebay での重要なステップ’の技術主導の再想像。” Ebay Purchases NFT Marketplace in Order to Make E-Commerce

ヴィタリック・ブテリンが非難したプランBのストックからフローへの価格モデル, モデルは「有害」である可能性があると述べています

For a few years now, the pseudonymous creator of the popular stock-to-flow (S2F) bitcoin price model, Plan B, has become a very well known bitcoin influencer gathering 1.8 million Twitter followers. でも, after the S2F price model didnt come to fruition


The law firm representing Ira Kleiman has sent a notice of appeal to the Florida District Court in an attempt to appeal the courts rejection of a Kleiman v. Wright retrial. The self-proclaimed Bitcoin inventor, Craig Wright, was cleared of all

米国のインフレ率はで最も高く跳ね上がる 40 何年も 7%, インフレを懸念する民主党は党を悩ませます

One of the hottest topics in the United States in 2022 is the rising inflation, 米国として. 労働局’s data published on Wednesday indicated that the consumer price index (CPI) rose to 7% 12月中. This represents the largest annual

報告する: 主要なNFTマーケットプレイスOpenseaが発表 $10 十億の評価, 投資家は「主張」している

11月 17, a report disclosed that the leading non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace, 公海, isfielding new investment offersaccording to two unknown sources familiar with the matter. The investment could propel Openseas valuation by six times to a $10 十億…


Following the passing of the Biden administrations infrastructure bill, アメリカ. president appears to be nearing his decision on whether or not he will reappoint Jerome Powell, the current Federal Reserve Board chairperson. According to a few reports Powell may be


10月に 15, the day bitcoins price surpassed the $60K per unit handle, Salvadoran president Nayib Bukele taunted the professor of applied economics at Johns Hopkins University, Steve Hanke, over his recent statements. 当時の, the well known economist warned


10月に 9, whistleblower and privacy advocate Edward Snowden published an opinion editorial concerning central bank digital currencies (CBDC) and claimed CBDCs arethe newest danger cresting the public horizon.Snowden stressed that rather than being an innovation, CBDC’s arecloser

マーベルコミックはフリーランスのアーティストにマーベルブランドのNFTをミントしないように伝えます, 「クリエイターに機会を紹介する」出版社

Last March, the comic book publisher DC Comics told freelancers that intellectual property (IP) and characters owned by DC Comics were off-limits in regards to freelancers leveraging the IP for non-fungible token (NFT) asset sales. A recent report indicates that Marvel