ビットワイズCIOは10万ドルのビットコインを予測するのが難しいと言っています, イーサリアムを「年間最優秀資産」と呼ぶ

While theres been an awful lot of calls for bitcoin to reach six-digits in value in 2021, as the end of the year draws closer, それはしません’t seem like $100K per bitcoin will happen. Bitwise Asset Managements chief investment officer Matt

$7.5 法的措置により脅迫された許可なしにアートを使用したとして非難された百万のNFTコレクション

代替不可能なトークンである一方で、 (NFT) assets have been extremely popular in 2021, そこの’s been a slew of issues tied to the ecosystem as well. A recent report indicates that roughly a dozen artists are considering taking legal action against an NFT collection

新しい学術論文は説明します 3 イーサリアムPoSチェーンに対する攻撃方法

Following the Altair upgrade on the Ethereum network, the protocols native cryptocurrency reached a new all-time price high. Altair is the next step for the Ethereums networks proof-of-stake (PoS) 遷移. でも, a recently submitted white paper explains that a group of


いくつかの米国. lawmakers see Chinas authoritarian crackdown on cryptocurrency, ビットコインを含む, なので “a perfect opportunity for American leadership on cryptocurrency.One senator noted that it isa reminder of our huge structural advantage over China.US Lawmakers Comment on Chinas Cryptocurrency