NFLフットボールスターオデルベッカムジュニアギビングアウェイ $1 ビットコインで数百万人、BTCで彼の新しい給​​料を受け取る

私たち. football Star Odell Beckham Jr. is taking his new salary in bitcoin and is giving away $1 million in the cryptocurrency in partnership with Squares Cash App. “To all my fans out there … 私’m giving back a total of

ビットコインマイニング会社のGriidが保護 $525 Blockchain.comのミリオンクレジットファシリティ

月曜日に, the mining firm Griid Infrastructure announced the company has secured a $525 million credit facility from the crypto firm According to the announcement, the credit facility will be a four-year term in order to increase the companys mining


Inflation in the U.S. has a large number of Americans worried about the future of their purchasing power as the cost of goods and services has continued to rise faster every month. Reports note that Americans are struggling to pay for

マラソンの開催計画 $500 コンバーチブルシニアノートからビットコインとマイニングリグを購入するための百万

月曜日に, the enterprise bitcoin mining operation Marathon Digital Holdings announced the firm will raise $500 million from convertible senior notes in order to accrue morebitcoin or bitcoin mining machines.Publicly-Listed Mining Operation to Raise $500M From Debt Markets to


イーロン・マスク’s electric car company, テスラ, has informed the U.S. 証券取引委員会 (SEC) in a quarterly filing that it may restart the practice of transacting in cryptocurrencies for its products and services. Tesla suspended accepting bitcoin in May, citing