報告する: Crypto Financial Services Firm Matrixport Seeks $100 100万ドルの資金調達

Crypto firm Matrixport Technologies is reportedly seeking $100 million in funding, according to people familiar with the matter. Sources detailed that the company already secured commitments from investors for roughly $50 100万, which would give Matrixport a post-valuation of $1.5 十億….


炭素ベースのエネルギーに依存する一部の仮想通貨マイニング事業の一時停止がニューヨークで署名された. 同州でプルーフ・オブ・ワーク・マイニングに従事する企業は、今後2年間、許可の拡大や更新ができなくなる。…

FTXの共同創設者サム・バンクマン=フリード氏が米国への引き渡しに直面, 破産裁判所は、最高幹部は補償されないと言います

According to a report citing three people familiar with the matter, 元FTX CEOのサム・バンクマン・フリード氏 (SBF) may be extradited to the United States for questioning. After it was alleged that SBF transferred $10 billion in customer funds to Alameda

FTX Execs Gave $70 Million to Both Democrats and Republicans Heading Into the 2022 US Midterms

After the collapse of FTX, a number of journalists reported on the fact that FTX executives deployed significant donations to political leaders in the United States. During the most recent election cycle leading up to the U.S. midterms in 2022, レポート…

Apple Could Be Developing Its Own Metaverse Platform

Tech and communications giant Apple might be developing its own metaverse, recently posting several job offerings in the fields of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). One of the job listings calls explicitly for engineers experienced in the development of


Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers has compared crypto exchange FTX to Enron, noting that the case is a classic fraud rather than the complexities of cryptocurrency regulation. He said the regulatory community ought to draw two lessons from the collapse

SEC, DOJがFTXを調査 — 規制当局は仮想通貨取引所が顧客の資金を誤って扱っていると疑っている

アメリカ. 証券取引委員会 (SEC) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) are reportedly investigating cryptocurrency exchange FTX. The crypto firm is suspected of mishandling customer funds and breaking securities laws. Regulatory probes are among the key reasons why Binance

キム・カーダシアンとフロイド・メイウェザーがイーサリアムマックス訴訟で暫定裁判所の判決を勝ち取る: 報告する

Reality TV star Kim Kardashian and boxing legend Floyd Mayweather Jr. reportedly won a tentative court ruling in a class-action lawsuit involving the Ethereummax token. Investors have accused the celebrities of hyping Ethereummax and pumping the EMAX crypto token. Judge’s Tentative

IRS は「数百」の仮想通貨ケースを作成 — 当局者は言う $7 押収された数十億の暗号 2022

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is buildinghundredsof crypto cases to crack down on tax evasion, an official reportedly said. In the fiscal year 2022, the IRS Criminal Investigation Division seized about $7 billion in cryptocurrency, which was double the

報告する: 削除されたファイルは、仮想通貨の貸し手 Hodlnaut の幹部が Terra Luna の露出にほとんど重みを与えていないことを示しています

報告によると, the embattled crypto lender Hodlnaut saw a significant loss from the Terra blockchain collapse last May. The report notes that Hodlnaut downplayed the companys exposure to the Terra ecosystem and allegedly lost $190 million from the incident….