Former Fed Chair Alan Greenspan: Crypto Is Too Dependent on ‘Greater Fool Theory’ to Be a Desirable Investment

Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan says crypto istoo dependent on the ‘greater fool theoryto be a desirable investment.” でも, he noted that the collapse of crypto exchange FTX waspurely fraud,” rather than the result of a feature

Gemini’s Cameron Winklevoss Insists Digital Currency Group Needs to Resolve Liquidity Issues in Open Letter to CEO Barry Silbert

Cameron Winklevoss, co-founder of the cryptocurrency exchange Gemini, published an open letter to Digital Currency Group (DCG) CEO Barry Silbert on Jan. 2, 2022, stating that it had been 47 days since withdrawals from Genesis had been halted. In the letter,…

Financial Guru Dave Ramsey Weighs in on FTX Collapse — Reiterates His Crypto Warning

Personal finance guru Dave Ramsey has weighed in on the collapse of cryptocurrency exchange FTX. “I told you so,” he repeatedly said, reiterating his long-standing advice that investors should not put money into crypto. Dave Ramsey on Bitcoin, 暗号, and the


シャーク タンクのスターであり、NBA チーム ダラス マーベリックスのオーナー, マーク・キューバン, Voyager Digital を宣伝するための集団訴訟に直面している’の暗号製品. 原告はボイジャーが “大規模なポンジースキーム” とキューバ人 “duped millions of


米国の金融規制当局. アリゾナ州は、仮想通貨の利付口座について投資家に警告しました. “一部の企業は、担保慣行が投資家に規定のリターンを支払う能力を保護する程度を大幅に誇張している可能性があります。,” レギュラーが言ってた. State

自己監護は機能以上のもの–デニス・ジャービス, Bitcoin.comのCEO

市場が上昇している間に, 人々は、ますます魅力的なリターンを約束する集中型取引所や集中型融資プラットフォームなどの信頼できるサードパーティに暗号資産を預けることに慣れています。. 楽しい時間は永遠に続きません, けれど. As markets peak and monetary policy


The deputy governor of the Bank of Spain, Margarita Delgado, gave her opinion about cryptocurrencies and how they are increasing the risks in todays economy. At an event hosted by PWC calledA climate of change,” Delgado explained that the continued