
According to Blockfis co-founder Zac Prince, the company has signed definitive agreements with the crypto firm FTX and the deal is currently up to shareholder approval. The deal represents a total of $680 100万, but Prince also noted that $240 100万…

報告する: Twitterがイーロン・マスクとの交渉に参加, アナリストは、2番目の入札者が現れない限りマスクは会社を買収すると言います

According to multiple reports stemming from people familiar with the matter, Twitter has been engaged in negotiations with Elon Musk over his proposal to purchase the social media platform for $46.5 十億. Sources detail that a number of Twitter shareholders allegedly

テスラのイーロンマスクがTwitterの購入を提案 $41 十億, 彼はそれを民間企業にしたいと言っています

Tesla billionaire Elon Musk has offered to purchase Twitter for $41.4 十億, according to a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filing published on Thursday. Musk also explained in his note that he believes Twitter should be a private company and he

ASICマイニングリグメーカーのカナンが明らかに $100 ミリオンストック買戻しプログラム

The application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) manufacturer Canaan has revealed the firm is offering a stock buyback for up to $100 100万. カナン’s chairman and CEO Nangeng Zhang highlighted in a U.S. 証券取引委員会 (SEC) filing that the move was


The Central Bank of Iran soon plans to launch the pilot phase of its digital currency project, an official unveiled. The Islamic Republic hopes to a join a growing club of nations that want to take advantage of having a sovereign

Bitfarmsがディップを購入: 1,000 マイニングハードウェアの価格が高いままである一方でBTCが下落したため、ビットコインが財務省に追加されました

Global bitcoin mining company Bitfarms has bought the dip and added 1,000 bitcoins to its balance sheet while the prices of mining hardware remain high. 会社’s corporate treasury now holds more than 4,300 ビットコイン. Mining Company Buys the Dip Bitfarms

ビビデンド: Nasdaq-株主の選択でビットコインで配当を支払う上場企業

A Nasdaq-listed company has announced that shareholders can receive dividends in bitcoin. The company claims to be the first one to pay dividends in the cryptocurrency. ‘First-Ever Dividend Payable in Bitcoin by a Nasdaq-Listed CompanyBlockchain company BTCS Inc. (ナスダック: BTCS)…

グレースケールレポートはメタバースを可能性として見ています $1 兆のビジネスチャンス

グレースケール, a leading cryptocurrency asset manager, seems to have set its gaze on the metaverse as a business opportunity. Yesterday the company released a report where it examined the feasibility of this interconnected virtual world and how these economies can provide

AppleのCEOが暗号を所有している– Tim Cookは、「多様なポートフォリオの一部として所有するのは合理的だ」と考えています

The CEO of the tech giant Apple, Tim Cook disclosed that he owns cryptocurrency and said that he thinks its reasonable to own it as part of a diversified portfolio.Cooks statements stemmed from an appearance with the New York Times