Alchemy Pay: Bridging the Global Economies of Fiat and Cryptocurrencies

On April 20th, The European Parliament approved the first comprehensive crypto regulation EU-wide, the Markets in Crypto-Assets (雲母). In the same day, a separate law, the Transfer of Funds regulation, was passed, requiring crypto operators to confirm the identity of their

Jeffrey Tucker Says Dollar Will Be Dethroned, Russian Official Speaks on De-Dollarization, and a Look at Historic Fractional Reserve Banking in Italy — Week in Review

Bitcoin proponents eyeing fiat failures are in no shortage of news on the topic as of late, as multiple officials, 経済学者, 著者, and analysts from around the world have been weighing in on “脱ドル化” in a prolific fashion. Author and libertarian

China Warns of Global Financial Instability From US Economic Policies

China has urged the U.S. and other developed nations to assess the spillover effects of their economic and financial policies. “The economic and financial policies of the U.S. pose the biggest challenge to global financial stability,” according to the Chinese Ministry

Commodity Strategist Warns US Economy Heading Toward ‘Severe Deflationary Recession’

Bloomberg Intelligence’s senior commodity strategist, Mike McGlone, has warned that the U.S. economy isheading towards a severe deflationary recession,” emphasizing that the Federal Reserve is still tightening. “Typically, when you have commodities collapsing at this velocity in the past, の…

Gold Slides on Higher US Treasury Yields, ドル

Prices of gold, and other precious metals, fell on Wednesday due to stronger U.S. yields and national currency. The decline comes on the backdrop of expectations of new interest rate increases next month amid persistent inflation in the United States and

ビットコイン, イーサリアムテクニカル分析: ETHバックアバブ $2,100, BTCが1週間の安値から反発

イーサリアムは上に戻りました $2,100 火曜日に, 市場が最新の国内総生産に反応したため (GDP) 中国からの報告. 中国のGDPは増加した 4.5% 年の第 1 四半期中に, よりも高い 4% 期待される. ビットコインは先ほどから反発…

ビットコイン, イーサリアムテクニカル分析: BTCは下に移動 $30,000 月曜日に, 米ドルラリーとして

ビットコインは以下の週の取引を開始しました $30,000, 米国として. 月曜日中にドルが上昇した’のセッション. 米ドル/円は1カ月ぶりの高値に上昇, ドルはユーロや英国ポンドに対しても上昇している. イーサリアムも下落, 以下に落ちる $2,100. ビットコイン ビットコイン…

G7 to Discuss More Crypto Regulation and How to Help Developing Nations Introduce Central Bank Digital Currencies

The G7 countries are discussing more crypto regulation and ways to help developing nations introduce central bank digital currencies (CBDC). “As a priority of this year, the G7 will consider how best to help developing countries introduce CBDC consistent with appropriate

エコノミストらは、FRBが残りの期間で一時停止する前に、さらに25bpsの利上げを明らかにすると予想している。 2023

FRBによる3月の利上げ後, 経済学者たちは、サウジアラビアと石油輸出国機構のいくつかの加盟国による最近の動きは、 (OPEC) 石油生産量を削減することは中央銀行の使命を複雑にする可能性がある. さらに,…

CATO Institute: CBDC the ‘Single Largest Assault to Financial Privacy Since Creation of Bank Secrecy Act’

A central bank digital currency (CBDC) may turn out to be thesingle largest assault to financial privacy since the creation of the Bank Secrecy Act,” a policy analysis document released by CATO Institute has said. To stop the U.S. Federal