米国上院議員テッドクルスはビットコインディップを購入しました, 最大5万ドル相当のBTC購入価値を開示

私たち. Senator Ted Cruz has declared his bitcoin purchase worth up to $50,000. “私’m also particularly proud that my home state, テキサス州, is becoming an oasis for the blockchain community, for bitcoin miners, for innovators and entrepreneurs in the crypto world,”…

インドのモディ首相: デジタルルピーはデジタル経済を強化します, フィンテックに革命を起こす

インド’首相, ナレンドラ・モディ, インド中央銀行のデジタル通貨はデジタル経済を強化すると言う. デジタルルピーは、新しい機会を生み出し、取り扱いの負担を軽減することにより、フィンテックセクターにも革命をもたらします, 印刷, and the logistics of

デロイト: 82% 政府が規制の明確さを提供した後、暗号に投資する計画を調査したインド人の割合

デロイトによる最近の調査によると、 82% 政府が暗号資産の規制に関するより明確な情報を提供した場合、暗号通貨への投資を計画しているインド人の割合. さらに, 77.4% の回答者が暗号通貨を証券として扱うことを望んでいます. インドの暗号調査:…

規制するロシア政府草案ロードマップ, 暗号を禁止しない, レポートが発表

A roadmap on cryptocurrencies has been prepared by a number of ministries, regulatory bodies, and law enforcement agencies, Russian media reported. The document, which aims to regulate Russias crypto market by the end of this year, comes amid disagreements between the


The Central Bank of Iran soon plans to launch the pilot phase of its digital currency project, an official unveiled. The Islamic Republic hopes to a join a growing club of nations that want to take advantage of having a sovereign


アメリカ. 証券取引委員会 (SEC) is focusing on bringing cryptocurrency exchangesinside the investor protection remit,” Chairman Gary Gensler has revealed. “If the trading platforms dont come into the regulated space, それ’d be another year of the public being


Crypto exchange Bitmex is acquiring a German bank to createa regulated crypto powerhouse.The company plans to establisha one-stop shop for regulated crypto products in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.Bitmex Plans to Become a Regulated Crypto Powerhouse Cryptocurrency exchange


Nasdaq-listed cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase has acquired a regulated derivatives trading platform. Coinbase plans to make the derivatives market more approachable to millions of its retail customers. Coinbase Plans to Offer Crypto Derivatives to All US Customers Nasdaq-listed crypto exchange operator Coinbase


Institutional investors are optimistic about the U.S. 証券取引委員会 (SEC) having more power to regulate the crypto market, a recent survey shows. They believe that if the SEC is granted extra powers, the prices of cryptocurrencies will be positively


Russians mining cryptocurrency in their homes have been blamed for the problems with the electricity supply in Irkutsk. Power outages have become a frequent occurrence in the region which maintains the lowest electricity rates in Russia. Subsidized household energy has turned