米国上院議員テッドクルスはビットコインディップを購入しました, 最大5万ドル相当のBTC購入価値を開示

私たち. Senator Ted Cruz has declared his bitcoin purchase worth up to $50,000. “私’m also particularly proud that my home state, テキサス州, is becoming an oasis for the blockchain community, for bitcoin miners, for innovators and entrepreneurs in the crypto world,”…

Barstool SportsBlogの創設者であるDavePortnoyは、「クールミリオン」を 29 ビットコイン

The founder of Barstool Sports blog, Dave Portnoy, announced he purchased 29 bitcoin on January 28, spending more than a million dollars. The day trader has had his ups and downs with bitcoin over the last few years, and it seems